
  • Former WWE Champion Returning On Monday Night Raw

    Welcome back. With so many wrestlers on the WWE roster, it can be hard to keep track of everyone from time to time. On occasion, you will see some of...

    NewsMay 29, 2021
  • Miz’s Injury Much Worse Than Expected

    NewsMay 18, 2021
  • Please Don’t Be Bad: Injury Takes Place At WrestleMania Backlash

    It’s always a possibility. Unfortunately, there is no way to guarantee a safe match in wrestling. The wrestlers can do almost anything they want and have all of the training...

    NewsMay 18, 2021
  • VIDEO: Zombies (Yes Zombies) Invade WrestleMania Backlash

    I don’t think this needs an explanation. There are some things that happen in wrestling where you know that things are going to be a little less than serious. Certain...

    NewsMay 17, 2021
  • KB’s Review: This Time For Sure!

    One day I was trying to buy a car. It was time to replace the first one I ever had and for the first time ever, I could actually afford...

    BlogsMay 12, 2021
  • New Gimmick Match Announced For WrestleMania Backlash

    There’s still time for more. We are less than a week away from WrestleMania Backlash and the card still has quite a few holes to fill in. With so many...

    NewsMay 10, 2021
  • Details On Why WWE Changed Announced WrestleMania Match

    NewsApril 7, 2021
  • Huge Change Made To WrestleMania 37 Match

    Change it up. There are all kinds of ways to present a match in wrestling and it all depends on how you set things up. You can get to almost...

    NewsApril 5, 2021
  • Full Video: Miz’s Hilarious New Music Video

    Well that’s….something. There are all kinds of ways to present wrestlers and build up a feud. One of the most often used methods is to have someone insult the other...

    HumorMarch 30, 2021
  • Here’s Why An Expected WrestleMania 37 Match Was Changed

    Halfway there. We are less than three weeks away from WrestleMania 37 and that means the card is mostly set up. With so little time left before WrestleMania, it becomes...

    NewsMarch 26, 2021