The Elite have uploaded the latest episode of Being The Elite to their official YouTube channel. Titled “Debriefing,” the episode continues to deal with the subsequent challenges faced after WWE...
The Elite have uploaded the latest episode of Being The Elite to their official YouTube channel. Titled “The Escape,” the episode focuses on a number of topics, most notably the...
NJPW uploaded to their official YouTube channel a match from this year’s G1 Climax showing Juice Robinson vs. Kenny Omega. The video in question contains the whole match from start...
The Young Bucks have uploaded the latest episode of Being The Elite to their official YouTube channel, with the title focusing on ‘torture’. Have the boys located Hangman Page yet?...
The Young Bucks were recently interviewed by Chuck Carroll of CBS Local Sports where they spoke on their success, name and adding Marty Scurll to their faction. On why The...
People are starting to compare the recent set of matches featuring Okada and Kenny Omega to another very famous set of matches that featured Ric Flair and Ricky Steamboat. On...
And off to Tokyo we go. This morning, the 27th annual G1 Climax Tournament came to an end. It’s the biggest tournament in New Japan Pro Wrestling with the winner...
On this week’s Ross Report podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross spoke with Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, and on the show, Meltzer was asked if New Japan...