Popular YouTuber Trisha Paytas claims that her and Ziggler were to go on a date but he flaked on her, so she released a YouTube video expressing how this made her feel.

According to Paytas, Ziggler and Paytas had a one night stand a year ago. She explains in the video that a previously created video on her channel about that sexual encounter says that she feels it was it was the best one she has ever had, though she now takes that back, claiming she doesn’t remember it. She says the reason for this is she was likely drunk or taking drugs.
“I don’t really remember much of it, so when I say it was the best sex ever, I was f–king high and on drugs, so was it really even? If I can’t even remember it, then it wasn’t the best sex ever.”
Ziggler would then be referred to as ‘barely a celebrity’ before Paytas explained she and Ziggler had been communicating frequently through text and Snapchat over the past couple of months, before Ziggler texted her a week prior to this video saying he would be in town and wanted to meet her for drinks. Ziggler told her he could meet her at 10:30 for drinks but couldn’t be too late because he had an early start the next morning. Paytas would tell him not to flake because she would be cancelling a date to go out with him, but he said he couldn’t put out so she shouldn’t cancel. She said it was fine, because ‘she loves sex, but doesn’t have that much of it’ and explains this is because she is very picky.
“I just had my v—-a cleaned this week, so I’m very, very picky on what goes inside of it and who goes inside of it,” she explained. She added that she asked Ziggler where they should meet, and he didn’t reply.
At around 10:10, Paytas and Ziggler interacted by text, when Ziggler said he had to flake, adding that he was old and he was at the airport and his eyes were burning. He asked to reschedule for the following day, causing her to have a minor meltdown. Paytas explains she had a similar experience to this with a wrestler she dated in the past.
“I don’t know what it is about wrestlers, they have these big f–king heads. Wrestling’s f–ing fake, but all the fans of this wrestling fake bullsh-t think it’s real and think he’s a god, and he starts thinking this sh-t too. That’s what these wrestlers do.”
After Paytas texted him again asking if he would like to meet up the following day, Ziggler said he was able to and apologized for ‘always flaking’ on her.
“As far as guys that I was into and like and think are good people, this guy was at the top of the list,” Paytas said. “This guy was polite [and] respectful. He talked to me, checked in with me. [He was] so f–ing sweet. Let this be a lesson to all men. If this guy – f–king Dolph Ziggler – who is traditionally good looking, has a good job… even he’s not worth it, girls. Don’t let f–king someone disrespect your f–king time and it’s bulls–t. He is not that hot. Honestly, I can’t remember the sex so it must have not been that good, I was drunk as f–k.”
Wrestling fans would be brought into it, as Paytas went on a rant about how wrestling is fake.
“For all of you wrestling fans, wrestling is f–king fake. This man is a 37-year-old man [and] not a God who is f–king leaving wrestling soon anyways.”
Wrestling Rumors will keep you updated on this situation if it develops further.
Quotes with H/T to WrestlingInc.

AJ Styles vs. Dolph Ziggler: SmackDown LIVE, May 30, 2017
Editor’s Note:
I’ve watched videos involving Trisha before, and she seems like the controversial type. I don’t want to get too involved, but I do feel as though, while I get why she is sad and mad, Ziggler acted like a gentleman about it, apologizing and still offering to go out with her the next day.
What is your take on this situation? Who do you side with? Let us know in the comments or over on our Facebook page or Twitter account. You can also follow me on Twitter at @SOSNH1995.