They first speak about the advice given to them by the legendary Michaels:
Gurv: “Well, Coach Michaels told us, he was like, ‘if you guys have one or two bumps in a match, make sure they remember you.’
They spoke next on making Orton break kayfabe during their match following the impressive bumps that the brothers took:
Harv: “I’m alive and that’s what counts. Yeah, it’s funny I think that one bump went so viral, right? People were like, ‘who are these guys?'”
“Looking back at it now, it’s crazy it got approved. It happened. I did, I did [suggest the bump for the match]. I suggested it to Randy and he was like, ‘oh, that’s a real cool idea.’ And thanks to him, a lot of things have happened for us. I remember talking to Shawn the week before and he gave really good advice. He was like, ‘as like a father-figure, I would say don’t do it, but as a guy trying to make a name for himself,’ he’s like, ‘I’ve done crazier things.'”
They discuss potentially splitting from Mahal down the line. Even if they were to do so, they can deliver “butter chicken beatdowns” as The Bollywood Boyz again:
Harv: “Right now, we understand our spot. We’ve got to bump well. We’ve got to sell well. Obviously, we’ve got to realize that the lifespan of something like this is not forever. We were brought up [to the main roster] for a specific reason, to help Jinder. And eventually, it’s going to be ‘you guys have to part with him.’ It’s going to happen, so for us, we know we have that Bollywood thing in the back pocket. It’s kind of like it could be brand spanking new. It [has] never been done on cable television.”
Finally, they speak on WWE not being as glamorous as people imagine it to be:
Harv: “The one thing I’ve realized being in the WWE, it’s not as glamorous as people think it is. You’re literally looking at the world from a bus. It [has] been cool living your dream and traveling the world. And then, you realize a lot of people don’t get to do that.”
Credit to WrestlingInc for the transcription.
If you would like to hear an audio version of The Singh Bros on Jericho’s podcast, you can listen to the video below. Scroll through it for highlights if you’d prefer.

The Singh Brothers on Talk is Jericho
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