Ever wish the wrestling you were watching was all around you? Ever hope you could be right in the middle of the main event segment with The Authority and John Cena was so real you could walk right up and put a stop to it?

Well now, WWE is testing a product making that possible. Well, sort of.

According to VRFocus, WWE is currently testing our virtual reality content. The report notes the company is in the early stages of testing, and it is unlikely any significant moves would come anytime soon.

The content is currently being tested at the WWE Performance Center, and is unlikely to leave there anytime soon. WWE’s Chief Strategy & Financial Officer George A. Barrios revealed the following in a press conference earlier this week:

“It’s very, very early days… it’s very expensive; the amount of cameras and post-production needed. We’re early days on what the content might be,” he continued. “We saw the live content – Cirque du Soleil – and we were blown away.”

Virtual reality content would just be another step in taking the company into a new digital age, as WWE was a trailblazer with the WWE Network in regards to cutting the cord. It is known when or if this content will eventually debut in WWE.

Editor’s Note

I know a certain Wrestle Reaction host who wouldn’t mind a Diva in virtual reality…


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