It was the final SmackDown before No Mercy, and as promised the blue brand’s competitors got in their last licks before the pay-per-view, raising the stakes for the final showdowns. Four championships are on the line this Sunday, including the most prestigious prize in wrestling.

We also got a reminder of what’s on the line for Dolph Ziggler, with his career at risk this Sunday and an unlikely reunion reminding him of how far he’s come. Meanwhile, a couple of smaller feuds have come to a head and Curt Hawkins finally announced his most important fact yet.

Check out results below courtesy of our own Thomas Hall.

Kane b. Bray Wyatt via countout (4:15)
Nikki Bella b. Alexa Bliss via DQ when Carmella interfered (1:52)
Carmella/Alexa Bliss b. Becky Lynch/Nikki Bella – Twisted Bliss to Lynch (3:14)
Hype Bros b. Vaudevillains – Hype Ryder to English (3:48)
Jason Jordan b. Jey Uso – Rollup (1:18)
Jack Swagger b. Baron Corbin – Patriot Lock

Date: October 4, 2016
Location: Valley View Casino Center, San Diego, California
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, John Bradshaw Layfield, David Otunga

The opening video promises Styles, Cena and Ambrose face to face to face tonight.

Bray Wyatt vs. Kane


They take turns hitting each other in the face to start until Bray gets Kane down for a chinlock. A side slam and running DDT have Bray in trouble but the chokeslam is countered into a Rock Bottom. Bray does the spider walk but an upside down Randy Orton appears on the screen. Bray looks at him for a long time and the distraction lets Kane get up. Bray blocks a chokeslam but takes the countout loss at 4:15.

Result: Kane b. Bray Wyatt via countout (4:15)

Baron Corbin doesn’t know why Jack Swagger was signed but if Jack wants to fight, Baron will drop him where he stands. Swagger comes up and a match is set up.

Post break, Bray is looking for Orton.

Alexa Bliss vs. Nikki Bella

Carmella is on commentary as Nikki gets two off a facebuster that didn’t come close to making contact. Nikki takes it outside and throws Bliss into Carmella, drawing her into the ring for the DQ at 1:52.

Result: Nikki Bella b. Alexa Bliss via DQ when Carmella interfered (1:52)

Post match here’s Becky Lynch for the save.

Becky Lynch/Nikki Bella vs. Carmella/Alexa Bliss


Joined in progress with Alexa hammering on Nikki before it’s off to Carmella for some shots to the face of her own. Carmella misses a Bronco Buster though and the hot tag brings in Becky. Everything breaks down with Nikki spearing Carmella to the floor, leaving Alexa to hit Twisted Bliss for the pin on Becky at 3:14.

Result: Carmella/Alexa Bliss b. Becky Lynch/Nikki Bella – Twisted Bliss to Lynch (3:14)

Bray goes to look for Orton again and finds the rocking chair. Orton jumps him from behind and shuts a metal door, locking Bray in what looks like a small storage unit. Of course there’s a camera inside with Bray freaking out over being locked in.

Daniel Bryan brings out some breast cancer survivors for the Susan G. Komen presentation ala Enzo and Big Cass on Raw.

Vaudevillains vs. Hype Bros


Mojo slams Gotch to start and it’s Hammer Time! Cue Ascension, now with face paint, to the stage for a distraction but Ryder dropkicks English off the apron anyway. Ryder gets kneed in the back but Gotch’s chinlock goes as far as a chinlock is going to take him. The hot tag brings in Mojo a few seconds later and a Hype Ryder ends English at 3:48.

Result: Hype Bros b. Vaudevillains – Hype Ryder to English (3:48)

The Ascension point at the Hype Bros.

It’s time for MizTV with a special Dolphumentary. Ziggler comes out and the documentary is of course a career lowlight reel with stuff like Ziggler as Kerwin White’s caddie and the Spirit Squad and various out of context statements from wrestlers. This Sunday, it’s the feature film the Success of a Failure. Ziggler doesn’t take kindly to this and says that he loves it when a Make-A-Wish kid says he’s their hero but Ziggler gets to tell them that they’re his hero. That’s the kind of thing that makes Ziggler know he can’t walk away.


Miz laughs this off and brings out two members of the Spirit Squad (Kenny and Mikey). We get a cheer with Miz saying Ziggler can join them at their $5 autograph signing. Ziggler goes after Miz but gets jumped from behind. Dolph easily fights them off and Miz bails from the threat of a superkick.


Bray is still in the storage unit and says he finally sees it.

Hispanic Heritage Month video on Roberto Clemente.

Jey Uso vs. Jason Jordan


Jey snaps Jordan’s neck across the ropes to start and hammers away but a very quick rollup puts Uso away at 1:18.

Result: Jason Jordan b. Jey Uso – Rollup (1:18)

The Usos send Gable into the steps and chop block Jordan for a bonus. Rhyno and Heath Slater come out to save Jordan’s knee.

Bray is now singing but stops to say he missed Abigail. She’s going to take him home.


Back from a break and Orton opens the door, only to find an empty chair.

Clip of John Cena on Talking Smack last week, talking about how the Draft is a fresh opportunity for him as well. Cena’s big line: “Dean Ambrose doesn’t like John Cena. John Cena doesn’t care about Dean Ambrose.”


Curt Hawkins vignette. He’s debuting at No Mercy.

Jack Swagger vs. Baron Corbin


Corbin shoulder blocks him down to start and rains down right hands to the head, sending us to an early break. Back with Swagger favoring his knee and getting caught in a chinlock. Jack fights up and elbows Corbin in the face, followed by the Patriot Lock. Corbin dives for the ropes over and over, which the referee calls a tap out at 8:25. Replays show that Corbin was reaching for the ropes as his hand is up and it’s his wrist hitting the mat when he can’t reach the ropes.

Result: Jack Swagger b. Baron Corbin – Patriot Lock


Here’s AJ for the big closing segment. He talks about how he’ll prove himself to be the best in the world on Sunday but Ambrose comes out to cut him off. Dean is serious this week and says he had the title won last week until Cena had to get involved. Cue Cena but AJ cuts him off and begs Cena to shut up for once in his life. AJ is incensed at the thought of Cena comparing himself to Flair (here we go) and begs Cena to give one of his rah-rah speeches.


Cena is ready to do just that when Ambrose cuts him off again, saying Cena is a part timer who is dying to get out of here on a private jet and go be with his people in New York. Dean is the man who works harder around here and has wrestled more matches than anyone else in the company the last two years because he never takes days off. He’ll be over here in the corner being Dean Ambrose while Cena gets to play John Cena on TV.


That’s enough for Cena and the fight is on with Cena hitting an AA on Ambrose and throwing Styles outside. John holds up the title but AJ runs in and escapes an AA attempt. The Phenomenal Forearm drops Cena but Dean gives AJ Dirty Deeds onto the ramp and holds up the title to end the show.



  • Raw Results October 3 – A New Women’s Champion

  • Bound For Glory 2016 Results

  • Impact Wrestling Results – September 29, 2016

  • NXT Results – September 28, 2016

  • Smackdown Results – September 27, 2016

  • Monday Night Raw Results – September 26, 2016

  • Monday Night Raw Results – September 26, 2016

  • Clash of Champions 2016 Results

  • Impact Wrestling Results – September 22, 2016

  • Ring of Honor TV Results – September 21, 2016
