In a new post-“Monday Night Raw” piece on his official website, former WWE, WCW, and TNA writer Vince Russo praises Bray Wyatt, while wondering why Adam Rose’s bunny didn’t get “dropped.” Russo claims that Wyatt will have a historic career, while he questions the longevity of Rose’s.

While examining Wyatt’s presence in the company, Russo claims that the former Husky Harris will go down as a “top-5 all time babyface and heel” in the annals of WWE history. That’s coming from someone who helped create some of the biggest monsters and beloved superstars in WWE’s historic past. Russo writes,

Thought the show ended with some solid heat on Bray Wyatt. Wyatt, a throwback heel from the good ol’ days, is an absolutely tremendous talent and “character” that no doubt learned a whole bunch from his daddy growing up. Just a natural-born performer who makes you believe “everything” that he is involved in, even in today’s agre of “hard to believe anything is real” professional wrestling. That–-right there–-should tell you everything you need to know about him. As “Raw” went off the air, B-Wy was throwing around “SisterAbigails“, much like the vendor at Dodger Stadium flings bags of peanuts to the crowd. “HEY, NOW–-STEP UP AND GET YOUR OWN SISTER ABIGAIL!!!. Only $9.95 A BAG!”

As the heat was building towards the end of “Raw”, I was almost certain that the writing team was going to script a Cena comeback–-but, much to my surprise and favor–-they didn’t. Job well done! When all is said and done with B-Wy, I predict that this dude is going to be an all-time TOP FIVE baby face AND heel in the history of the WWE.

Russo also discusses his confusion on what WWE creative is trying to do with the Adam Rose character. He mainly talks about the fact that the Rose Bunny should have been laid out by Swagger. He writes,

Going in, I honestly didn’t know that much about Adam Rose and his “Rosebuds”, so I had to do some quick research. In doing my due diligence, I discovered that Rose spent time perfecting his act inNXT, before he brought it up to the “Big Leagues” of the WWE. From what I gather, or at least as “Wikipedia” states, Rose’s recently returned to WWE TV as a “new character being an organizer of parties with various colorful costumed party-goers, who accompany him during his ring entrance”. Now maybe I’m wrong, but the only “organized parties” I know of where people dress like a bomb has been dropped in the middle of Halloween is called a “rave”. Now, if you do you’re “rave ” homework, you might discover that these types of “gatherings” may not be TV-PG friendly. But yeah, that could be nit-picky on my part, and the truth is that’s not what really bothered me here.

Now, I totally get and understand that theWWE is currently in “fan participation” mode. Due to the success ofDanial Bryan’s, “Yes, Yes, Yes, theWWE creative cowboys are taking every opportunity to capitalize on this with other talents. Bray Wyatt is now singing, which is fine because this guy could get singing “Hot for Teacher” in the middle of Sunday morning mass over, and now, Adams and his “rosebuds” are flanked by a little ditty as they enter the building–-thatis catchy, and easy for the folks to join in. I get it—-I get it all.

But, here is where it broke down for me: with the  dozen plus colorful characters by Rose’s side–-I couldn’t take my eyes off of the “Easter Bunny”. I don’t know, he was just mesmerizing to me. Maybe it’s a TRIX fetish from back in the day–-who knows what goes through my twisted mind any more. And,  in this case, “Hippity-Hoppity” was really pushing the envelope with Jack Swagger–-almost getting into his face–-until Swagger finally got HOT! Then the Easter Bunny started to beg off a bit.


That’s where it broke down for me. Now, understand, that I’m from a certain era called the “ATTITUDE ERA”. And during the “ATTITUDE ERA”, yeah–-we did things like this. We even brought in Santa Claus soAUSTIN COULD DROP HIM ON HIS HEAD WITH A STUNNER!!! Which is my point–-you want to get heat on Swagger? Than LET HIM DROP THE SILLY RABBIT!!! That’s heat—”ATTITUDE” heat. OR–-are we not allowed to do that because we’re “family friendly” now? I don’t know–-not there–-don’t know the rules.

But, regardless, “Wrestling 101? should always be grandfathered in–-if somebody is going to dress in a rabbit suit–-then they must be DROPPED!!!

As always–-just my opinion.

Editor’s Note:
I’ll have to agree with Russo on this one, on both accounts. LOVE Bray Wyatt. He’s my favorite in today’s landscape. And taking out the bunny would have put MAJOR heat on Swagger…as having him grab Rosebuds by the collar and yell in their faces just looked stupid. 


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