The company seems to be making this a big part of the storyline since Cena returned a few weeks ago. He’s made it known that he wants to be included amongst the greatest superstars of all time, and feels that securing that 16th world title would give him a strong case in that argument.
That being said, I think that for storyline purposes, Cena should not win this weekend, and AJ Styles should retain the championship. However, the leader of the “CeNation” will eventually capture his 16th world championship and tie Flair’s record.
But I don’t think that it will stop there. Nor should it.
Because I believe that, eventually, John Cena should win a 17th world championship, and break Ric Flair’s record for winning the most world titles in WWE history.

Let’s look at the facts. Ever since he won his first world championship in 2005, he has been “the face that runs the place.” As the company’s go-to person whenever they were in a bind, Cena carried WWE through the majority of the 2000s.
He has been their greatest ambassador of all time, granting over 500 wishes for the “Make-A-Wish” foundation; the most of any other celebrity in history. He makes countless appearances on television shows, in movies, and even hosted the ESPY awards earlier this year.
Yet through it all, he has remained incredibly loyal to WWE; hardly taking any time off, and busting his ass night in and night out for the betterment of the company. He has put his body through some of the most hellacious matches in company history, and has been doing so for over 15 years.
Furthermore, he consistently cuts the most heartfelt promos that have been heard in a long time. You clearly hear the passion in Cena’s voice when he speaks, and he instantly draws you in to whatever he his saying. It feels real. It feels legitimate.
There have been many critics that say that Cena has “5 moves of doom,” and has a lack of ability in the ring. I say that this statement is absolute garbage. In every match that he is in, he not only makes his opponents look like amazing competitors, but he consistently puts on classic performances, and sells moves as believably as anyone in the business.

By no means am I taking anything away from Ric Flair and his remarkable career. He was an active competitor for almost 40 years, and was a part of some of the most important storylines, matches and feuds in wrestling history. He will go down as one of the all time greats in the history of the business.
But, no superstar in the history of the company has done more work both inside and outside of the ring as John Cena. His constant presence in mainstream media, as well as how good of a person he is generally considered to be by most fans around the world, combined with his achievements inside of the ring, make his name mentioned in the conversation of the greatest superstar of all time.
And because of this, he should eventually win his 17th world championship, and have the accolade of being called the greatest champion in the history of professional wrestling.
Should John Cena surpass Ric Flair’s record for the most world championships in the history of WWE? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below, or post a comment on our Facebook page!