“WRESTLING WARM-UP” is the online wrestling pre-show dedicated to previewing “Raw” and “Smackdown Live” each week! We discuss WWE’s preview for the program, recap the previous week’s show, discuss news and rumors surrounding the product, and much, much more!
Be sure to join us each month for our pay-per-view editions! We run down the entire card, discuss our predictions for the show, and the aftermath sure to follow. You don’t want to miss “WRESTLING WARM-UP,” no matter what day of the week!
You can view tonight’s episode of “WRESTLING WARM-UP,” in it’s entirety, in the window below:

This week, Derek Stoughton, Liz Rainey, Matt McCool, Ronnie Starks and special guest Jason Moltov from the New Age Insiders preview this week’s episode of “Raw!” Tonight, Goldberg returns to WWE programming for the first time in 13 years. What will his response be to Paul Heyman’s challenge from a week ago?
Also, we talk about Paige’s proposal, Mick Foley, and so much more.
Coverage begins at 6:45 PM EST, 5:45 PM CST!