Below are some highlights from the interview:
On making his return to WWE:
“The moment was vindication. The moment was resolution,” said EC3, real name Michael Hutter. “I feel redeemed.”
“It’s only been 1,714 days since the last time I stepped foot in the WWE — but who’s counting,” EC3 said. “With each day that has passed, I’ve had one goal in mind — and that was to be here, in this moment at this time for one purpose.
“Never once, without a shadow of a doubt, did I ever not believe in myself — believe that I would come back. I came back with vigor and determination. I came back on a mission.”
On the moment when he was shown on TV:
“It was built up in my mind, how it would feel and what emotions I would feel,” EC3 said. “But walking out there, standing out there, with the crowd recognizing who I am — who I truly am — and that I’m truly where I belong, it didn’t feel anything but right.”

EC3 utters confident first words as NXT's newest signee: Exclusive, Jan. 27, 2018
His message for everyone in WWE:
“For years outside of the WWE, I’ve been saying one thing — that I’m the best here, I’m the best there, I’m the best anywhere,” EC3 said. “While I was the best ‘here’ elsewhere, the ‘there’ I referenced was here [in the WWE] — and that carries over. I’m the best here, I’m the best there, I’m the best anywhere.
“Competition? Bring it on. Competition? Come get a taste. Competition? I’m here.”
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