Joining the slew of celebrities, professional athletes and high-profile personalities in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is TNA superstar and Olympic gold medalist Kurt Angle.
At a TNA house show at Consol Energy ballpark on Saturday night, Angle participated in the challenge with hundreds of fans looking on from ringside.
In his own added twist, Angle added milk to the bucket, which was a trademark of his during his time with World Wrestling Entertainment.
Triple H, The Rock, Vince McMahon and CM Punk are just a handful of wrestling personalities who have taken part in the challenge as well.
During an in-ring segment on “Monday Night Raw” in 2001, Angle drove a milk truck to the ring and doused members of The Alliance in the liquid with a large hose.

Editor’s Note
This is pretty damn awesome. The fact that it’s for a good cause just tops it all off.