It looks like WWE’s cruiserweight division is about to lose one of its biggest names, as Tajiri recently announced that he’s decided to part ways with the company via Twitter.

All of the now ex-WWE star’s tweets were posted in Japanese, but he essentially said that he’s leaving the company due to an injury and his current age [46]. He also thanked Triple H, WWE, and the United States of America for all of his success in North America and around the world.

While the Japanese Buzzsaw says that he is leaving WWE, he didn’t say that his pro wrestling career is over. In fact, there’s a good chance that he’ll wrestle again in Japan, as he only said that his WWE career is over. So, it could be one of those cases where WWE’s medical staff refused to clear him for a return.

Tajiri vs. Sean Maluta: WWE 205 Live, Jan. 3, 2017

Most probably weren’t even aware that Tajiri had returned to WWE, as 205 Live is one of the least watched shows on the WWE Network. So, while the show is losing a recognizable name, his departure probably won’t hurt the brand one bit.



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