Chris Jericho is currently on one of the best runs of his career. In recent years, he’s been good in the ring, but he hasn’t stayed long enough to be a complete performer. This year has been different. It’s the longest run Y2J has had on WWE television in years. He’s been able to turn heel, have a dream feud with AJ Styles, and countless other matches along with some hilarious moments that really sum up
He’s been able to turn heel, have a dream feud with AJ Styles, and countless other matches along with some hilarious moments that really summarizes why Jericho is so valuable as a performer for the WWE product.
Unfortunately, that run has to end sooner or later because we all know Fozzy is Jericho’s main commitment. It was only a matter of time before he returned to the band.
According to a report from, Chris Jericho is expected to finish his run with WWE after the “Hell in a Cell” PPV at the end of next month.
It’s also being reported that he will be involved in the WWE Universal title match, which will likely be a triple threat between him, Kevin Owens, and Seth Rollins.

Have you enjoyed the latest run of Chris Jericho?