lot can happen in twenty-four hours. In that span of time, Roman Reigns defeated Triple H at Wrestlemania 32 to become the new WWE Champion. Less than a day later, AJ Styles went from a thriving face in the feud with Jericho to being the No. 1 Contender for the WWE title.

Don’t get me wrong, Reigns vs. Styles is a very interesting feud that will showcase both men, but I can’t help looking at this feud and wondering if it’s the best idea for the natural progression of both characters.

AJ Styles is over. That’s not a surprise, but thrusting him into the WWE title scene so quickly may not be the best idea for him. He’s obviously talented enough and has enough momentum, the problem I see is WWE won’t give him the win at Payback. The only way I see that happening is if WWE is hitting the panic button on Reigns.

If that’s the case, that won’t help Reigns get over as a face or a heel if he can’t win his first title defense. It’s not easy to see if Reigns is a face or a heel right now. The Wrestlemania crowd makes it hard to tell, but they also have a divine influence to make the general WWE Universe follow their lead.

The Wrestlemania crowd makes it hard to tell, but they also have a divine influence to make the general WWE Universe follow their lead. It happens every year, so they may have made hating Reigns the “cool” thing to do this year. That’s going to cause a lot of problems. The first being stopping AJ’s momentum dead in its tracks.

WWE has a choice. They can scramble to rebuild Reigns’ face run, or they can go with the flow and turn Reigns heel. The powers that be selecting a thriving face to face him in his first defense signals the latter.

Now, we’ve got to play the waiting game to see what WWE is going to do about Reigns. If Reigns vs. Styles lasts for more than one PPV, we’ll be able to see some great matches, but what’s really happening is WWE restarting the roster until guys like John Cena and Seth Rollins can return.

It’s an interesting decision WWE has made with Styles becoming the No. 1 Contender. Hopefully, it does a lot more good than bad in telling what direction WWE to go in moving into the summer of 2016.

Do you think Reigns vs. Styles is a good idea?


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