He’s probably not wrong. Tony Atlas is a member of the WWE Hall of Fame and a former WWF World Tag Team Champion with Rocky Johnson as the Soul Patrol. Over the year Atlas has performed in both the WWF and WCW, meaning he’s certainly seen his share of wrestling. At sixty two years old, Atlas is still somewhat active in the wrestling world and recently appeared on the “Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling Podcast” with some interesting comments about Hulk Hogan. Here are Atlas’ comments (transcription courtesy of 411mania.com):

[ads]“If you look at anything that Hogan did in the 80s it doesn’t fit today and will not draw that same crowd. What people call exciting changed. What people called interesting changed. When I was a kid I was scared of dinosaurs and what is a favorite thing of kids now? Dinosaurs. When I was a kid I was afraid of zombies. Now what is the greatest show out right now? The Walking Dead.

“Tattoos were never a big thing and tattoos were for convicts and bikers. Now tattoos is a fashion statement (laughing) back when I was a kid the only guy who wore pants too big for him was Charlie Chaplin. Now looking like Charlie Chaplin is in. When you look at Charlie Chaplin and the way people dress now what is the difference? The world changed. Everything changed. Life changed and your perception of life changed. What was good all of a sudden has become bad. What is bad all of a sudden has become good. Life’s a constant change.”


There’s a lot of truth in what Atlas said. The same thing would be true of Steve Austin today. What happened back in the Attitude Era wouldn’t get over in a PG version of WWE. There’s nothing wrong with that but it’s really just the way things work. It’s not to say that Hogan isn’t talented but more along the lines of Hogan was in the right place at the right time.

Do you agree with Atlas? Would Hogan have gotten over in any era? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling Podcast


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