Could this be considered practice? In case you’ve been lucky enough to avoid hearing about it, a little over a year ago, Joey Ryan made his mark on the wrestling world with something called the Penis Suplex. While I don’t think that really needs more of an explanation, it did get Ryan several more dates going forward, which included an All Pro Wrestling show.
I might be stretching here but this could be connected to Ryan’s upcoming match against Cody’s wife Brandi Rhodes at a WrestlePro show over “Wrestlemania XXXIII” weekend.

Joey Ryan as "Stardong" to mock Cody Rhodes alter ego "Stardust" at All Pro Wrestling
Opinion: I never was the biggest Ryan fan in the world and I’m really not sure what to make of this. Unless I’m right on the WrestlePro match or I’m missing a big detail, I have no idea why Ryan did this. It’s interesting and will get him noticed for a bit but it seems to be a little out there, even in Ryan’s case.

Is Stardust “living the gimmick”?: Aug. 5, 2015
What do you think of Ryan as Stardust? Can you ever see him in WWE? Let us know in the comments below.