He doesn’t shy away from his old job. Enzo Amore has been one of the most talked about names in wrestling this year, even if it’s been him doing a lot of the talking. After being released from WWE back in January due to issues involving a sexual assault charge, Amore has started on a career in hip hop music. This includes performing but also appearing in videos involving other rappers. If wrestling has to be involved, so be it.
Well, he’s certainly staying busy.

Enzo amore hits tekashi69 with the RKO
Amore is featured in a new video on where he promotes a new line of t-shirt. During the video, Amore runs into rapper tekashi69 in a hallway and gives him an RKO before a bunch of other people come in to chase Amore off. This is another hip hop related video featuring Amore, who released his first two singles over the last two months under the stage name Real1.
Make sure to check out Amore’s first song here.
Opinion: I’m not much of an Amore fan but I’ll give him credit for getting out there and trying something new. His first two music videos were fairly well viewed and if he’s getting his foot in the door of the hip hop world, it’s more than a lot of ex wrestlers can claim. Maybe this will wind up being a big success for him and if that’s the case, good for him on finding something new.
Do you like Amore’s new career? How much of a success can he be? Let us know in the comments below.
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his Amazon author page with 27 wrestling books. His latest book is the NXT: The Full Sail Years Volume III: From Dallas To New Orleans.
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