Video: Braun Strowman’s Amazing Displays of Strength
Thomas Hall – ON
August 26, 2017
He’s not finished with you. If there’s someone whose rise to the top of the company has been a bigger surprise than Braun Strowman, I can’t come up with them. Originally viewed as possibly the least valuable member of the Wyatt Family, Strowman is on the verge of becoming the biggest star the team has ever had. It’s kind of amazing what near superhuman strength can do for you.
WWE certainly seems to think so too as they’ve released a video showing Strowman’s top ten feats of strength. Some of these are more famous than others but odds are you’ve seen most of them at some point before. You can probably guess a lot of them but there’s some good stuff in here throughout.
Here’s the full list:
Braun Strowman's monstrous displays of strength - WWE Top 10
Opinion: I’m not sure what they’re thinking with #1 and #2 but Strowman’s raw strength continues to amaze me. There’s always going to be a spot in wrestling for someone who can throw people around and make them look tiny in comparison, which is what Strowman does better than anyone else at the moment, if not in the history of wrestling.
What is the most impressive thing Strowman has ever done? Will he take the Universal Title from Brock Lesnar? Let us know in the comments below.