That’s quite the fan. To say that Sasha Banks has been a big part of the Women’s Revolution is an understatement. Just a few years ago, the women’s division was little more than a joke but things have changed in a huge way. Banks has helped turn the division around and even main evented a pay per view last year. Her work has earned her a big name fan.

According to, Seth Rollins recently participated in a fan question and answer session where he spoke on Banks. A fan asked him for his thoughts on her and Rollins responded by saying she was one of the best of all time, male or female. Rollins also praised her athleticism.

This might have something to do with Rollins’ opinion.

FULL MATCH — Banks vs. Flair - Raw Women's Title Hell in a Cell Match: WWE Hell in a Cell 2016

Opinion: I’m not sure I can go as far as Rollins did here. Banks is definitely talented and one of the best in the world today, but calling her one of the best of all time is a little premature. She’s only been on the WWE roster in a prominent role for a few years now and I don’t think that’s enough time to really go that high. Banks could be an all time great, but I’d put her behind Charlotte at this point, which makes it hard to imagine say she’s one of the best ever.

Where would you rank Banks? Who is the best female wrestler of all time? Let us know in the comments below.


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