It isn’t something you hear about every day. There are certain wrestlers who work together very well no matter what situation they are in together. Those matches will be repeated over and over because the promotion knows that they have something with them, which is certainly the case in WWE. Now we know a reason why one of the wrestlers liked working with another and it is as unique as you can get.
Samoa Joe recently appeared on Out Of Character With Ryan Satin and discussed his feud with AJ Styles. During the interview, Samoa Joe revealed that he liked choking Styles unconscious with the Koquina Clutch because he liked the smell of Styles’ hair. According to Samoa Joe, Styles uses a mixture of hair conditioners that contain lavender and lilac, though he does not like when Styles uses the shea butter. Here are his comments, with transcription courtesy of Fightful:
AJ [Styles] always has impeccably smelling conditioner in his hair. It’s always very pleasant for me. I get a little lavender, a little lilac with my pain and agony. It’s a rare thing, you don’t get that combination and you can’t buy that in the street.” Joe added, “It’s a specialized and happy experience and I get to enjoy it every time I wrap my arms around AJ’s neck. He’s number one. You can’t beat that. Sometimes, the shea butter, I’m not a big fan when he puts that in his hair, it doesn’t have the same scent. When he goes lavender or when he goes to the body shop and gets the good stuff, trust me, it’s a great night for me.
These two do work well together. Check out some of their WWE matches:

FULL MATCH - AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe - WWE Title Match: WWE Super Show-Down 2018

Opinion: I’m not sure if this is a rib or not, but it is the kind of story that makes you wonder just a bit. Either way, it is a heck of a story that you are not going to hear from anyone else. The two of them certainly had chemistry together and it is cool to hear something so unique instead of the same kind of praise a pairing usually gets. It was good for a smile, so we’ll call this a positive.
What did you think of the explanation? Will Samoa Joe wrestle again? Let us know in the comments below.
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.
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