Maybe he’s up next. Titles are one of the easiest concepts to understand in wrestling. Someone has a championship belt and someone else wants it. That is all you need to carry a feud in a lot of cases and that is certainly the case in WWE. These feuds can be set up in a variety of ways and that might have happened again with one of the most historically important titles in WWE history.

Last week on SmackDown, WWE Intercontinental Champion Ricochet was defeated by both members of Los Lotharios, setting up a title match on next week’s show. Over the weekend, Xavier Woods tweeted that he would win the title later in the year. Ricochet responded to Woods, saying that after he gets done with Los Lotharios, he would be glad to “smack you up”. Woods defeated Ricochet in the first round of the 2021 King of the Ring, which Ricochet referenced in his response. While not confirmed, this could suggest that Woods will be a future challenger for the title.

Opinion: This is something that would make all the sense in the world and be a nice boost for the title. The championship, as well as WWE, can use some fresh blood and Woods going after the championship would hardly be a stretch. It would make for a good story and the fans would be behind Woods trying to win his first singles championship (that isn’t in the form of a crown). Take a chance and see what happens.

What do you think of the challenge? Will the match take place? Let us know in the comments below.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 60,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 6,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books

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