A surprise return. There is no show on the WWE calendar on the same level as WrestleMania. The show is the most important of the year and a special moment on the show can make or break someone’s career. More eyes are on the product during that one show than any other time of the year and every now and then you see a fresh face. That was the case this year.

WWE is just starting to get back to normal after the Coronavirus pandemic but things are still not quite back to how they were before. The last year has seen some rather different ways of presenting the WWE product, including some ideas that did not exactly work. That was the case last fall, but now someone who came and went is back again in a very different role.

Apollo Crews won the Intercontinental Title during the second night of WrestleMania 37 by defeating Big E. Crews won the match thanks to interference by an unnamed man who attacked Big E. to give Crews the pin. The man was formerly known as Dabba Kato and was part of Raw Underground during the fall of 2020. While Kato did not have a new ring name, he did wear a military uniform. According to Fightful.com, WWE recently filed a trademark application for an unknown wrestler named Commander Azeez. It is not confirmed that Kato will now play the Azeez character.

It was a big deal. Check out the match, post match comments, and Kato in Raw Underground:

Apollo Crews delivered on his promise: WrestleMania 37 Exclusive, April 11, 2021

Big E slams Apollo Crews onto steel steps: WrestleMania 37 – Night 2 (WWE Network Exclusive)

Opinion: Now that is how you have a return, as Kato was not around very long in the first place and can easily be repackaged. This role does not seem like something that is going to require more than Kato destroying someone in short order to protect Crews and if that is the case, everything will work out fine for him. As long as WWE lets him do his thing as he should, the whole thing should come together well.

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.

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