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Date: October 22, 2019
Location: GPB Studios, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentators: Joe Galli, Jim Cornette
It’s week three around here and this has suddenly become a treat to watch. They don’t waste time around here and move forward as fast as they need to. It seems like everything around here matters (albeit to varying degrees) and that’s a very welcome change. When your match is a minute long, it’s kind of hard to classify it as filler. Let’s get to it.
We open with a recap of the issues between Nick Aldis and Kamille, who still will not say anything.
Interviewer Joe Galli has been told that his interviews have been confrontational so he won’t ask anything about Aldis that doesn’t have to do with the title itself.
Opening sequence.
Eddie Kingston comes up to the commentary table and rants about the Dawsons breaking up the title match. Kingston and Homicide want to take the Dawsons out before they fight for the titles again. They’re do it anywhere because wrestling is all they have and they’re going to defend it.
Marti Belle vs. Crystal Rose
Belle was in Impact for a little while. Rose, a grunge enthusiast, gets taken down into the corner to start but Marti misses a running charge and gets kneed in the corner. Marti is right back up with a forearm in the corner and a running hip attack in the corner, followed by a Pearl River Plunge for the pin at 2:25.
Result: Marti Belle b. Crystal Rose – Pearl River Plunge (2:25)
here are the Dawsons for a chat. Things happen for a reason and these fans need to shut their mouths. It’s time for them to throw their weight around so they’ll fight anyone….except for Kingston and Homicide.
Video on Thunder Rosa.
Tim Storm is supposed to be out for a chat but it’s Aron Stevens in what looks like a pirate costume. Oh and remember that the no eye contact rule is still in effect. The fans think he looks like Captain Morgan but he’s here to promote his new movie: Tropical Pirates, available on Blu-Ray and exclusively in Romania on VHS. It looks like a rather low budget sailing movie, thought Stevens says it shows he has more chops than Ric Flair.
We look at Tim Storm losing his World Title shot two weeks ago.
Caleb Konley vs. Dan Parker
Parker talks a lot of trash to start but since he’s Canadian, we get a loud USA chant. Konley flips away from a few headlocks and punches Parker in the face to take over. A jumping backsplash gets one on Parker, who is right back with knees to the ribs and some shouts about how not everyone can be a Canadian. We hit the abdominal stretch but the referee sees the grab of the rope. Konley hits him in the face a few times and hits a springboard spinning moonsault for the pin at 3:21.
Result: Caleb Konley b. Dan Parker – Spinning moonsault (3:21)
Here’s Tim Storm for a chant. Make no mistake about it: Nick Aldis beat him two weeks ago. His time as champion and the Ten Pounds of Gold series helped restore some prestige to the NWA and that is a great source of pride to him. He has no excuses because he made the right decision but now he needs to make a decision about his future. All that matters to him is that he made Mama Storm proud, which gives us a MAMA STORM chant.
Cue Eli Drake to say that Storm sounds like he’s down but his name is on a list of NWA World Champions. There are a lot of things going on around here, including some new tag teams. Maybe there are two pieces of gold in Storm’s future so Drake has already got it set up: the two of them against the Dawsons tonight. Storm will think about it.
Promotional consideration paid for by…..invisible hair cream?
We recap Jocephus vs. James Storm from two weeks ago.
Here’s Jocephus, who wants to make a public apology to James Storm. Cue Colt Cabana instead, with Jocephus pulling out a cowboy hat and a beer bottle for Cabana to start an impression. The joke is on but Jocephus throws powder in Cabana’s face. The beating starts in the ring but here’s the real James Storm to superkick Jocephus. Mr. Anderson pulls Cabana away to avoids the same fate.
Here are Aldis and Kamille for a chat. Aldis knows the NWA is cooking and he needs a new #1 contender. Some of those challengers could be people like Eli Drake, James Storm or Ricky Starks, the latter of whom Aldis thinks is the #1 draft pick in the entire business. Aldis is willing to let it play out and he’s ready to go somewhere else to find a challenger if he has to.
Joe Galli makes the mistake of going back to the Kamille questions though, which Aldis finds disrespectful. Aldis says Kamille is the best insurance policy money can buy so ask her anything. Galli asks why Kamille works for Aldis and she has nothing, with Aldis saying she’ll speak when she feels like it.
We get a promo of someone talking about how things come together and one question remains: who is the mark?
Eli Drake/Tim Storm vs. Dawsons
Dave powers Eli into the corner to start and hits a headbutt but Drake is right back with a jumping clothesline. Zane comes in and gets neckbreakered, followed by the tag to Storm for a clothesline. Drake’s middle rope bulldog gets two as the makeshift team keeps the brothers in trouble. Storm hits a running splash in the corner and hits some elbows to the head. It’s time to get smart though as Zane grabs him by the waist and drives him into the corner for the tag to Dave.
The waistlock slows Storm down a bit and a switch to the bearhug keeps the trouble going. Storm powers out and brings in Drake to clean house. A sleeper drop gets two on Dave but Drake goes shoulder first into the post. That leaves Storm to get hit in the back, setting up the standing splash/powerslam combination to finish Storm at 6:44.
Result: Dawsons b. Eli Drake/Tim Storm – Standing splash/powerbomb combination to Storm (6:44)
Post match the Dawsons beat Storm up even more but Homicide and Kingston run in for the save. The staredown is on and Aldis comes in to check on Storm to end the show.
Roll credits.
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews.
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