The champ isn’t doing so well. Impact Wrestling aired Rebellion on Sunday night with quite a strong show. There was a lot going on with the card, to the point where the World Title match didn’t even headline the show. While it didn’t go on last, the match included a moment that could change a lot of things going forward, and it isn’t even the way the match ended.
During the World Title match between Brian Cage and Johnny Impact, Cage was injured by taking a Spanish Fly to the floor. Cage appeared on Busted Open Radio on Friday with an update on his condition. His injuries include a bone bruise, inflammation and a possible small fracture, though the injuries should heal over time. However, according to Wrestling Observer Radio, the timetable could result in Cage having to drop the title.
Winning the title meant a lot to Cage. Check out this interview from before Sunday’s match:

Opinion: Egads I hope they can hold off on this for the time being. Cage getting up to the World Title was a great moment and a story that was well built up. The time frame could help things out a lot, though Cage not being able to do anything at the moment isn’t going to do anyone any favors. If he can make it a few weeks and get back in the ring, everything will be fine but it could become a problem in a hurry.
What did you think of Cage’s title win? Will he have to drop the title? Let us know in the comments below.
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his Amazon author page with 28 wrestling books. His latest book is the the Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1.
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