That’s a wrestling story. There are certain stories that you hear that could only exist in wrestling. A business that is built around carrying on a huge lie throughout every match and show makes for a rather unique situation. Some wrestlers are more famous for their stories than their in-ring abilities but others are known for both. That is the case again, though the story does not have the happiest ending.
There are almost no legends in wrestling history on the same level as Ric Flair. Not only is he one of the best in-ring wrestlers of all time but there are more stories about him than anyone not named Andre The Giant. Flair has done more things and caused more chaos than almost anyone ever, though sometimes he is not the most innocent in the whole thing. Even though he is retired, Flair is not done just yet.
In a new interview with the Metro, Jon Moxley told a story of he and Flair getting drunk at an airport bar when Moxley was wrestling as Dean Ambrose in WWE. Flair would wind up being arrested and blamed Moxley for the incident. Moxley said that he was not the one ordering Flair double Bloody Marys at 2:30am. There was no mention of either of them being punished for the incident.
Your tastes may vary. Check out the two of them in the ring:

Dean Ambrose's Dirtiest Deeds: WWE Top 10

Ric Flair's WWE championship wins: WWE Milestones
Opinion: That’s as perfect of a Flair story as you can get, as he does something he probably regrets and then blames someone else for it, which winds up going nowhere. It’s almost part of Flair’s charm at this point and while it might not paint him in the most flattering light, Flair is still one of the biggest legends wrestling has ever seen and these stories are a big part of the reason why.
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books.
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