205 Live
Date: November 1, 2019
Location: Keybank Center, Buffalo, New York
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Aiden English
It’s time for the show that continues to exist for no adequately explained reason outside of the need for content. Lio Rush and the Cruiserweight Title were back last week to prop things up a bit but that wasn’t enough to hide the fact that the lack of star power/interest from the fans are killing this show. Maybe this week can be better. Let’s get to it.
We open with a recap of Rush returning last week and Tony Nese setting himself up as the next challenger.
Opening sequence.
Isaiah Scott vs. Ariya Daivari
Daivari jumps him before the bell and a short beatdown ensues on the floor. Back in and Daivari sends Scott hard into the corner as the referee is as ineffective as you would guess. More referees come out to check on Scott, who wants to start the match. The bell rings and Daivari charges into a jumping knee to the face but Daivari sends him back first into the apron.
They get back in with Scott eating an elbow but stomping away in the corner anyway. Daivari gets in a cheap shot though and we’re already in the chinlock, because Daivari needs one less than three minutes in. Daivari says he can do this all day. Scott fights up with a suplex and stomp to the back as the fans are already gone. An Iconoclasm is broken up and it’s a snap German suplex into the jumping Downward Spiral for two on Daivari.
A middle rope DDT gives Scott the same but Daivari is right back up with a superkick. Now the Iconoclasm can connect for two but the hammerlock DDT misses. Daivari’s Rock Bottom gets a delayed two and a double clothesline puts them both down. Scott sends him outside for a double stomp off the apron, though Daivari catches him on top for a belly to belly superplex. The Persian splash only hits mat and the Swerve Kick finishes Daivari at 11:36.
Result: Isaiah Scott b. Ariya Daivari – Swerve Kick (11:36)
Take two:

Jack Gallagher vs. Ray Jazikoff
Gallagher takes him down by the arm and ties up three out of four limbs at the same time. Back up and Ray sends him into the corner, only to have Gallagher do his hand stand to get Ray to pause. The headbutt puts Ray outside and there’s a whip into the barricade. The Gentleman’s Dropkick against the barricade knocks Ray silly and the regular version finishes him off at 3:29.
Result: Jack Gallagher b. Ray Jazikoffi – Gentleman’s Dropkick (3:29)
British squash:

Lio Rush vs. Raul Mendoza
Non-title. Rush headlocks him down to start and the cockiness is on full display. A kick to the head misses and Tom refers to Raul as Luis Mendoza in a Mighty Ducks reference. Rush snaps off a hurricanrana to the floor and follows with a suicide dive to shot off.
Back in and Rush shouts at the crowd and the silence is nearly deafening. It’s too early for the Final Hour though and Mendoza hits an enziguri to catch him on top. A suplex into a swinging neckbreaker gets two and a running dropkick is good for the same. We hit the chinlock as the fans start cheering for English.
Back up and Raul hits a hard clothesline for two more but Rush grabs a jawbreaker. That just earns him a running boot to the face to give Raul another two but Rush is smart enough to roll to the apron as Raul goes up top. They slug it out on the apron with the fans finally getting into something.
Rush knocks him to the floor though and hits the bottom rope moonsault, only to bang up the ribs even more. Back in and Rush hits some forearms, followed by a series of strikes for a near fall. Raul gets in a dropkick for two but Rush rolls into a half crab of all things. The rope is grabbed but Raul’s knee is done, allowing Rush to hit the springboard Stunner and the Final Hour for the pin at 14:36.
Result: Lio Rush b. Raul Mendoza – Final Hour (14:36)
The champ is here again:

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his- Amazon author page with 30 wrestling books. His latest book is KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews.
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