205 Live
Date: February 19, 2019
Location: Smoothie King Center, New Orleans, Louisiana
Commentators: Aiden English, Nigel McGuinness, Vic Joseph
We’re on the way to Fastlane because that’s a thing that exists. It also doesn’t mean a ton around here as Cruiserweight Champion Buddy Murphy retained the title last Sunday at Elimination Chamber. That means it’s time to set up a new challenger, which could take place here. Something big is coming at Wrestlemania but I’m not sure what that is just yet. Let’s get to it.
We open with a recap of Murphy retaining the Cruiserweight Title over Akira Tozawa on Sunday. That means we need a #1 contender for Wrestlemania so it’s tournament time, starting next week. Drake Maverick previews the show as usual.
Opening sequence.
TJP vs. Humberto Carrillo
Aiden sings Humberto’s praises as he sends TJP outside. The dive is teased but here are Jack Gallagher and Drew Gulak to say hang on with the diving. Carrillo seems to listen as he lets TJP back in and takes him down by the knee. Back up and Humberto starts the flips, followed by a quick splash for two. A springboard wristdrag is countered with a faceplant though and TJP starts in on the arm.
The slingshot hilo sets up the chinlock and then more arm cranking, only to have Humberto nip up for a kick to the face. The backflip into the moonsault gives Humberto two but TJP reverses a victory roll into something close to a Regal Stretch. A rope is grabbed but Humberto’s shoulder is pretty banged up. They head to the apron with Carrillo jumping around, setting up a quick dropkick. The handstand springboard moonsault finishes TJP at 10:21.
Result: Humberto Carrillo b. TJP – Handstand springboard moonsault (10:21)
That man knows his flippies:

Humberto Carrillo vs. TJP: WWE 205 Live, Feb. 19, 2019
Post match Gulak and Gallagher congratulate Carrillo, even putting him on their shoulders. He doesn’t seem to mind.Tony Nese says he’s proven he’s better than Noam Dar and now 205 Live is his for the taking. He’s coming for the title.
Maria Kanellis says her husband is going to prove that he’s the most dangerous man in 205 Live by taking out its heart tonight.
D-Generation X Hall of Fame video.
Ariya Daivari vs. Johnny Lyons
On his way to the ring, Daivari promises to beat someone so badly that no one can say it was the wrong call (reference to the New Orleans Saints losing via a bad call). Lyons hits an early dropkick but misses a charge into the corner. The fans are behind Lyons, even as Daivari kicks him down. The hammerlock lariat sets up a cobra clutch to make Lyons tap at 1:24.
Result: Ariya Daivari b. Johnny Lyons – Cobra clutch (1:24)
I guess you won’t hear him roar:
Murphy talks about how he’s beaten everyone and he’ll do it again with whomever wins this tournament.
Mike Kanellis vs. Cedric Alexander
They go to the mat to start before Mike drives him into the corner for a shove to the face. Mike’s headlock takes Cedric down but he’s right back with a snap armdrag. A dropkick has Kanellis in more trouble and a kick to the back of the head gets two. Kanellis punches a springboard out of the air though and drives in some knees to take over. More forearms give Kanellis two and it’s off to the chinlock.
Alexander fights up with more dropkicks as Maria is starting to get nervous. There’s the Neuralizer but a springboard doesn’t work as Alexander falls down and grabs his knee. Mike is smart enough to stomp away, sending Aiden and Nigel into another argument over ethics in wrestling. Cedric hits a superkick but walks into a Samoan driver for two more. A backpack Stunner gets the same, only to have Cedric grab a Michinoku Driver for two of his own.
They head to the apron and trade boots to the face with Cedric taking the worse of it. A very hard spinebuster on the ramp has Cedric literally screaming and a Boston crab inside makes it even worse. Cedric grabs the rope and sends Mike outside for a flip dive. Maria offers a distraction though and it’s a superkick into a Roll of the Dice for the pin, sending Nigel to his feet in celebration. He’s right back down though as the referee waves it off, saying Cedric’s shoulder was up. The Lumbar Check finishes Kanellis at 17:37.
Result: Cedric Alexander b. Mike Kanellis – Lumbar Check (17:37)
Now this felt like a main event:

Drake announces the following first round matches:
Tony Nese
Brian Kendrick
Drew Gulak
Four more names will be announced later.
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at kbwrestlingreviews.com, or check out his Amazon author page with 28 wrestling books. His latest book is the the Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1.
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