In one of the most anticipated Wrestle Kingdom events in the history of the series, the Tokyo Dome special once again delivered seamlessly. For those who were curious to watch...
Kazuchika Okada spoke to New Japan Pro Wrestling on how he feels about younger wrestlers challenging him and Los Ingobernables de Japon. On younger wrestlers challenging him: “I think whatever...
AJ Styles spoke to the Hindustan Times, who inquired about him potentially changing his style in going to WWE and if he has room for improvement. On how he changed...
When all else fails, blame it on the rain. Pro Wrestling Illustrated has released its annual ranking of its top 500 wrestlers in the world for 2017 and a new...
Cody [Rhodes] was interviewed by Fan Buzz, where he gave his opinions on a number of talent from around the world. In case you haven’t been following Cody since he...
There are a length of reasons an athlete may be backstage at a WWE or wrestling show in general, but that didn’t stop social media being ablaze with speculation when...
New Japan G1 Special in USA Night One Date: July 1, 2017 Location: Long Beach Convention and Entertainment Center, Long Beach, California Commentators: Jim Ross, Josh Barnett This has the...
Seven stars? We’re about a third of the way into the year and the clubhouse leader for Match of the Year is Kenny Omega vs. Kazuchika Okada for the IWGP...