Despite some rumors of him appearing at the Royal Rumble, The Undertaker was not at the event. In fact, Undertaker has been away from WWE television since competing with Roman Reigns...
Brock Lesnar’s win over Rey Mysterio at Survivor Series on November 24 was not a shock for fans, but it was perhaps a disappointment all the same. Rey continues to...
In the world of professional wrestling, there are a few dream matches that never happened, and most likely never will. One of those matches is “Stone Cold” Steve Austin vs....
They won’t even get the travel miles. WWE is an international company and that means they are going to be in a lot of different places for their various shows....
It’s kind of hard to blame him. There are very few wrestlers in history with the legacy and success of Bret Hart. He is one of the most polished and...
They do have experience with each other. Brock Lesnar is not like other wrestlers for so many reasons that you can pick any two and be right. Over the last...
That’s an interesting way to go. Wrestling is all about getting the fans’ attention to make them want to see your match. Sure the wrestling itself is important, but it...
Brock Lesnar is one of the most dominant stars in the professional wrestling industry today. He’s a force of nature, an exceptional athlete with freakish strength and a powerhouse of...