Anybody that is a fan of the wrestling industry can tell you that no two performers are the same. There is no back-up John Cena or AJ Styles. You have performers that fit into certain categories based on the way they work. Some are more athletic and agile with how they perform while others are more technical or grounded.
One certain type of performer in particular that fans like to watch is what is referred to as the powerhouse. These are the strong, dominant men built as monsters. Examples of these are Braun Strowman, Kane, Mark Henry, The Big Show and NXT superstars Killian Dain and Lars Sullivan.
These performers have the ability to execute serious offence against their opponents. In matches involving more than one superstar, it isn’t uncommon to see one of these behemoths perform a double knockout on their opponents, which almost always leads to a pop from the crowd.
The following video is very entertaining, as it displays ten of these double knockouts from performers such as Braun Strowman, who fit the powerhouse category, to superstars like ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin, Umaga, AJ Styles, Roman Reigns and John Cena. The moves are incredible, so definitely watch this!

Double knockouts by a single move: WWE Top 10, Dec. 2, 2017
What number listed here was your favorite? What move/moment should have made the list that didn’t?
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