Main Event
Date: November 30, 2017
Location: Thompson-Boling Arena, Knoxville, Tennessee
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Nigel McGuinness
Things have been changing around here lately with both Raw and Smackdown clips airing instead of just the ones from the red show that had been the case for so long. We’re also back to a normal week in WWE after the huge Survivor Series weekend last time around. Let’s get to it.
Opening sequence.
Apollo Crews vs. Curt Hawkins
Result: Apollo Crews b. Curt Hawkins – Toss Powerbomb (5:15)
From Raw.
Here’s Reigns to open things up. Last week was a big week for him as he and the Shield beat up New Day. Then he had an opportunity and we see a clip of him winning the Intercontinental Title. After the show was over, Shield came back out and put Miz through a table. This is his yard and this is the title so if you want it, come get it. Cue the Miztourage to say they know someone who wants the title. This brings out Elias of all people to say he wants the title. Reigns thinks it sounds like Elias wants to walk with the big dog, but after tonight he might have a neck brace like Curtis Axel.
It was kind of surprising actually.

Elias steps up to Roman Reigns: Raw, Nov. 27, 2017
And from later in the night.
Intercontinental Title: Roman Reigns vs. Elias
Elias is challenging. They trade shoulders to start with Elias getting the better of it and slapping on a reverse chinlock. Elias gets two off a clothesline and we hit a regular chinlock. Back up and the Miztourage offers a distraction so Elias can get in a hard knee for a near fall.
We come back from a break with Elias getting kicked in the face, only to have Reigns stop and take out the Miztourage instead of following up. The distraction lets Elias take Reigns down and drop a top rope elbow for a rather near fall. A sitout powerbomb gets the same but Reigns is right back with a Superman Punch for two of his own. Back up and the spear retains the title at 14:48.
Result: Roman Reigns b. Elias – Spear (14:48)
Post match Samoa Joe sneaks in and chokes Reigns out.

Roman Reigns vs. Elias - Intercontinental Championship Match: Raw, Nov. 27, 2017
And again from Raw.
Paige/Mandy Rose/Sonya DeVille vs. Bayley/Sasha Banks/Mickie James
Alexa Bliss is on commentary……and there’s no Mickie or Bayley. Paige and company come out and laugh off the idea of Sasha having no partners. We cut to the back where Mickie is holding her shin and Bayley is holding her neck. Paige laughs this off and says she’s tired of hearing about her interfering last week. Last year, she was THE woman in WWE and helped erase the word Diva from WWE.
Now she and her friends, named Absolution are here to take things back. Rose and DeVille talk about how everyone has tried to be the next big thing but they remember how Paige started all of this. Paige offers Sasha a spot on the team but she forearms Paige off the apron. The beatdown is on in a hurry with everyone hitting a finisher. No match of course.
Now from the Smackdown counterparts.
Charlotte/Natalya/Naomi vs. Riott Squad
Logan takes Natalya into the corner to start and scores with a clothesline. It’s off to Charlotte but that’s enough for Natalya, who walks out on the match less than a minute in. Back from a break with Charlotte fighting off the trio but getting caught by the numbers game on the floor. Morgan gets two off a floatover suplex and it’s off to Ruby for a chinlock. That leaves the other two Squad members to take Naomi down on the floor.
They send her hard into the steps and then bridge them over the barricade, catapulting Naomi face first into the steel. So it’s now three on one with Charlotte actually managing to fight them off for a bit. A spear hits Morgan in those impressive abs but Logan hits a knee from the apron, setting up the Riot Kick to the face for the pin at 9:12.
Result: Riott Squad b. Charlotte/Natalya/Naomi – Riot Kick to Charlotte (9:12)
Now that’s how you dominate.

Charlotte Flair, Natalya & Naomi vs. The Riott Squad: SmackDown LIVE, Nov. 28, 2017
Kalisto/Gran Metalik vs. Brian Kendrick/Jack Gallagher
Metalik headlocks Kendrick to start but gets kicked in the face for his efforts. Kalisto comes in and cranks on the arm so it’s off to Gallagher. A whip sends Metalik outside in a heap and we take a break. Back with Metalik breaking away for the hot tag as everything breaks down. The Salida Del Sol is broken up but Metalik tags himself in and kicks Gallagher in the head. The rope walk elbow is enough to end Jack at 3:34.
Result: Kalisto/Gran Metalik b. Brian Kendrick/Jack Gallagher – Rope walk elbow to Gallagher (3:34)
Back to Smackdown.
Singh Brothers vs. AJ Styles
Before the match, Jinder Mahal attacks AJ, sending him ribs first into the post. After a break, the match is on with AJ getting double teamed. The Brothers get in some shoulders to the ribs in the corner but AJ kicks them away without much effort. AJ knocks the two off them off the top, kicks Mahal in the face, and blocks a super hurricanrana attempt. He’s not done yet though as it’s a SUPER STYLES CLASH with one Singh landing on the other for the easy pin at 3:56.
Result: AJ Styles b. Singh Brothers – Super Styles Clash (3:56)
Post match Mahal lays out the Singh’s, including a Khallas to the second one.

AJ Styles vs. The Singh Brothers - Handicap Match: SmackDown LIVE, Nov. 28, 2017
And then to Raw to wrap things up.
Jason Jordan vs. Kane
Before the match, Jordan talks about how he’s an athlete and knew his knee was banged up last week. Kane actually gets powered into the corner a few times to start but the suplex is broken up. A hard toss sends Jordan outside where he comes up holding the knee again. That’s enough for a countout at 1:42.
Result: Kane b. Jason Jordan via countout (1:42)
Post match Kane stays on the knee until Finn Balor comes out for the save. They stare each other down and we take a break.
Finn Balor vs. Kane
Kane wastes no time in whipping Balor into the corner and we’re into an early chinlock. Balor dropkicks him outside and hits a dive as the announcers talk about what a big deal a win over Kane would be. Kane hits him in the ribs with a chair for the DQ at 2:44.
Result: Finn Balor b. Kane via DQ when Kane used a chair (2:44)
Kane beats on him with the chair and wraps it around Balor’s throat until Braun Strowman comes out for the save. A chair to the back has no effect on Strowman and the beatdown is on. Strowman destroys him with the steps and a chair, including a powerslam onto the steps. Kane gets his throat crushed on the chair and staggers into the crowd to end the show.

Braun Strowman crushes Kane’s throat in brutal steel chair attack: Raw, Nov. 27, 2017
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