On Cena potentially retiring:
“John obviously knows what he’s doing, he’s a big boy. He’s been fortunate to have a lot of opportunities outside of wrestling where he can not take on that full schedule. He did it for a long, long time, so I think it’s great he’s doing other things outside of wrestling. I think as everyone can see, when you allow other talents the opportunity to succeed, they will always step up time and time again.”
On his goals vs. Cena’s goals:
“I have no ambition or drive for any of that kind of stuff… Not to say that I wouldn’t do it, because I have a guy that is out looking (for acting opportunities), but it’s just not on the top of my agenda right now. Growing my Feed Me More nutrition is my number-one goal, and getting healthy.”
On his main focus:
“My main focus has been on my Feed Me More nutrition line, with it being on Amazon has been huge for me and I’m getting ready to launch over in the U.K. in the upcoming weeks. It’s an every day job, but I love being home and being active on it. And letting my body heal up and rest from the years of abuse, I had some stem cell surgery. There’s a lot going on, but I’m mainly business-oriented right now.”
As a flashback, we invite you to watch the video below featuring Ryback and Cena competing in a Tables Match on ‘Raw‘ from a few years ago. We highly suggest the match, which is a great watch!

John Cena vs. Ryback - Tables Match: Raw, July 29, 2013
Do you think it is time for Cena to retire? What are your opinions on what Ryback said? Let us know in the comments below or over on our Facebook page or Twitter account. Additionally, you can find me on Twitter at @SOSNH1995. We also want to remind you that we have a Newsletter you can sign up to. This will allow us to send you the best news in one place via an email. We also have the Wrestling Rumors app that we encourage you all to download to get updates faster than they release on our various pages. It is available on Android and iOS devices.