On telling NJPW about expanding to America years ago:
“I remember having a meeting with president Naoki Sugabayashi in 2011 and I pitched New Japan World back then because there is a huge English speaking audience that wanted access to the product. I guess it was just matter of timing.”
On the success of NJPW overseas:
“You can’t go to a wrestling show without seeing a Bullet Club t-shirt. I am proud to say that when I quit WWE and went to Japan, a lot of people didn’t know there was pro wrestling in Japan unless you were a hardcore wrestling fan.”
On problems with TNA:
“I don’t know what to say about them. It’s constant mismanagement. Some of he greatest talent came from there, guys like Samoa Joe, A.J. Styles, Bobby Roode. You have all these guys that aren’t there anymore. TNA was must successful under Jeff Jarrett’s leadership. Under Dixie Carter, it spiraled under. I was hoping Jeff Jarrett would raise it, but I don’t know, it remains to be seen.”
On why the industry needs the company:
“Our industry needs TNA. I never understood fans that hoped TNA goes out of business. We need a strong solid company for guys to continue to work that can make money and do well. That’s just stupid to me. I don’t like orange soda, but I don’t wish Sunkist goes out of business. I just don’t drink it.”
MVP ends by explaining which promotion is his favorite:
“New Japan is my personal favorite wrestling company. Working there was my dream. It was my dream to wrestle in the Tokyo Dome. I am happy the WWE Universe is being exposed, in my opinion, to the best wrestling on the planet.”
We highly suggest you give the full match below featuring Matt Hardy and MVP a watch, as they reignite their WWE feud on the independent circuit.

Matt Hardy vs MVP FULL MATCH
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