Heyman took to his Facebook account to issue the pre-congratulations, adding that he and Lesnar will be in attendance at ‘Raw’ in Anaheim only 24 hours after the Elimination Chamber match.
The winner of the men’s Elimination Chamber match, as Heyman alludes to, will face WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar at ‘WrestleMania 34’ in early April.
Here is what Heyman had to say:
“My congratulations in advance to the winner of #WWE#EliminationChamber. And my apologies, also in advance, for what Brock Lesnar will say to the face of that aforementioned winner of the Chamber, LIVE this Monday in Anaheim on #RAW!”
We can only wonder what might transpire between the winner of the men’s Elimination Chamber and Heyman’s client in Lesnar on ‘Raw.’
Below we’ve featured an interaction between Lesnar and Roman Reigns, who many expect to walk out of ‘Elimination Chamber’ as the winner.

Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar meet face to face: January 26, 2015
Who do you believe walks out of ‘Elimination Chamber’ as number one contender? Who would you like to see Heyman working with?
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