Squared Circle Sirens is reporting that former WWE NXT wrestler Jamie Keyes has confirmed she is pregnant via a Facebook post.
It’s a boy, and her due date is August 30!!!
Keyes competed on the third season of NXT while it was in its prior format. The Bella Twins were her pros. While she did not win, but did receive a five thousand dollar scholarship from WWE as part of their talent scholarships program.
Before WWE, Keyes had been working towards a degree in nursing, which she would continue to pursue after her time with WWE. She studied nursing at the University of South Florida.
Wrestling Rumors would like to congratulate Jamie Keyes on the announcement of her pregnancy and we do hope everything goes smoothly for her.

WWE NXT: Meet NXT Rookie Diva Jamie
Editor’s Note:
While the majority of people seem to agree that the NXT ‘game-show’ seasons sucked, I actually enjoyed them. I wish Keyes all the best with her pregnancy and the birth of her baby boy!
Do you remember Jamie? What are your thoughts on the first style of NXT? Let us know in the comments below or over on our Facebook page or Twitter account. Additionally, you can find me on Twitter at @SOSNH1995.