Raw‘ Superstar and Tag Team Champion Cesaro recently spoke to Justin Barrasso of Sports Illustrated on wanting to be WWE Champion, working with Sheamus and his top three wrestlers.

On wanting to be WWE or Universal Champion:

“Of course, to be WWE world champion is definitely on my list. Anybody who is not reaching for that proverbial brass ring is doing something wrong if they’re in the WWE.”

On working with Sheamus:

“Sometimes you get in a frustrated mindset. Working with Sheamus reminded me to enjoy the moment. Sometimes, you have to let things take the natural course. As long as you work hard, good things will come. I firmly believe that.”

“I would like to think there is something special about Cesaro no matter what I do. I just try to make the best of every single opportunity. I’m always trying to push forward and push the envelope. That’s why Sheamus and I click so well, even as opponents. We never take it easy, we never take a night off, we always want to go out and deliver. That’s what we do as a team.”

On his top three wrestlers, besides himself:

“Sheamus, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns. That is not including myself or Dean Ambrose, who is hurt right now.”

Check out the match Cesaro competed in on ‘Raw’ this week below.

Titus Worldwide vs. Sheamus & Cesaro: Raw, Feb. 19, 2018

Sheamus & Cesaro are scheduled to defend their WWE Raw Tag Team Championship against Titus Worldwide at ‘Elimination Chamber’ this weekend.

Would you like to see Cesaro as WWE Champion? Who are your top three wrestlers in the world, regardless of gender?

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