Rumors and off-the-record talk have frequently painted John “Bradshaw” Layfield, former WWE Champion and current SmackDown commentator, as something of an intimidating presence backstage.
Those reports came to a head in recent weeks for multiple reasons. One is JBL’s implied role in Mauro Ranallo’s disappearance from SmackDown due to mental health issues.
The other is in Justin Roberts’ new book, where he runs down quite a bit of backstage bullying from his time in WWE. According to one reader’s report, Roberts said JBL would frequently refer to him as “dipshit” and “numbnuts,” often tossing his bags down the street and telling the young announcer to kill himself.
Working tours with JBL and his friends, Roberts said “I was scared for my life.”
JBL responded to some of the accusations on social media today.
No Joe, and I won't-I shouldn't commenting on Internet stuff. I play a heel. I sincerely wish Mauro nothing but the absolute best.
— John Layfield (@JCLayfield) April 7, 2017
The passport story is a separate one, and an incident that Roberts did not implicate JBL in.
Obviously, all backstage gossip is just that until proven otherwise, and it’s tough to imagine a major corporation standing for the kind of things that JBL has been accused of. Of course, WWE is not like most big businesses.
Apropos of absolutely nothing, here’s JBL getting knocked out in the Brawl for All.

Bart Gunn vs. Bradshaw Brawl For All