Oh, AJ. C’mon, dude. You’re probably the greatest wrestler of the generation. In terms of in-ring performance, you’re in the conversation as one of the greatest of all time. Just… This whole conspiracy theory thing. It’s not a good look, my man.
If you’re out of the loop on this, a traditional trade of insults between AJ and Daniel Bryan a few weeks ago on Talking Smack led to Bryan mentioning AJ’s apparent belief that the Earth is flat.
Though AJ denies being “a flat-earther,” he was “just saying there’s some things about it that make sense.”
And it seems he’s still saying exactly that.
On a recent episode of Sam Roberts’ Wrestling Podcast (transcribed by WrestlingInc), AJ was asked about that whole flat earth thing. His tune has remained much the same. “Although I’m not a flat-earther,” Styles said, “there are some things that, like, make sense. But then again, satellites, the curvature of the Earth if you’re a sniper, you’ve got to take all that into account. I’m not a flat-earther, but they bring up some interesting points. It’s interesting and I think you should be able to question anything you want. And you don’t have to agree with everybody.”
“Here’s the thing, you don’t have to believe anything that’s told to you. Like you can always question anything.” True enough, AJ, but your efforts might be better spent questioning those things which aren’t objectively true.

AJ Styles hurls Shane McMahon through a car window: SmackDown LIVE, March 14, 2017
“I could have killed Daniel Bryan for saying that because now you get all this stuff. ‘God, shut up! Please don’t get that started because I’ll never hear the end of it,'” AJ said, before going on to question whether NASA is lying about the existence of other planets in order to drive profits.
Of course, AJ would see he isn’t actually questioning NASA here. He’s just saying it’s “interesting.”
So is it, dear readers? Is it interesting? Let us know in the comments below, or on Facebook!