He finally grabbed the brass ring. WWE has posted a new video to their YouTube channel in which they show the full Triple Threat match between Daniel Bryan, Batista and Randy Orton for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania 30.
You can see the match in its entirety below:

From WWE.com:
Batista has to deal with it. The voices in Randy Orton’s head are speechless. And Triple H’s corporate throne will have to do without its crown jewel, because Daniel Bryan – the Goat Face, the Weak Link, the B-plus player, he of the high school gyms and double-digit paydays on the independent scene – is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.
With Orton and Batista at a dead heat and Bryan refusing to stay down, each Superstar unleashed his heavy artillery in a last-minute blitzkrieg. Batista, aiming to hit Orton with a spear, bisected Bryan instead when The Viper leapfrogged him, and then The Apex Predator struck with an immediate RKO that kept The Animal down for a two-count.
Yet, Orton made the same mistake he has made throughout this entire saga: He did not account for Daniel Bryan. The Champion of Champions’ disrespect cost him in the worst way, too. As he sprinted towards Batista to punt him in the head, Bryan hurled every ounce of his 200-pound body through the air like a cannonball, connecting knee-first with The Viper’s jaw. Batista was able to capitalize by tossing Bryan from the ring and planting Orton with a Batista Bomb that took him out of the match. Bryan then roared back into the ring for a second flying knee , this time to Batista .
The “Yes!” Man quickly applied a wicked “Yes!” Lock on Batista that finally – finally – finished the job and propelled Daniel Bryan to the top of WWE. With three taps of his tattooed paw, The Animal relented and the Superdome detonated with the force of the “Yes!” Movement, confetti falling from the ceiling and Bryan’s family swarming the ring to embrace him in victory.
Perhaps it’s fitting that The Game had proclaimed the post-WrestleMania 30 period as the “Reality Era”: Bryan is certainly a Superstar anointed for greatness not by the corporate think-tank that has churned out champions for half a century, but by the emotion of the WWE Universe itself. The reality is now this: Daniel Bryan is the Champion of Champions and The Face of WWE. That’s the reality. Deal with it.
Editor’s Opinion:
This was the culmination of the second best Wrestlemania event of all time, in my opinion, with Wrestlemania 17 being the first. The man that nobody thought would get the job done, finally did, as he overcame all odds and showed that even an internet darling can reach the pinnacle of WWE.
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