In the weeks leading to Bray Wyatt’s return at “Hell in a Cell,” a series of vignettes aired, which also featured Erick Rowan and Luke Harper of The Wyatt Family. Wyatt talked about setting Harper and Rowan free, leading some to believe that the two towering men would begin a career without Wyatt, whether it be in singles or tag team career. Wyatt was indeed alone at “Hell in a Cell,” in addition the week’s “Monday Night Raw” and “Smackdown” episodes.
On, both Rowan and Harper are advertised to appear on the next edition of “Monday Night Raw” on Nov. 3. For Harper, this goes hand in hand with a cryptic vignette that aired during “WWE Main Event” Oct. 28. Among fans, a general consensus has been made that the vignette featured Harper’s voice and a sneak peek at the man himself.
It remains to be seen what WWE has planned for these two men. While most of the signs point to the two splitting away from Wyatt, and possibly each other, that may not be the case. For what it’s worth, Wyatt is advertised to be alongside Rowan and Harper at a Wizard World Comic Con event on Saturday, Nov. 1, in Columbus, Ohio.
Editor’s Note
I’m excited to see what WWE has in store for these two, especially Luke Harper.