On their own. Tomorrow will see the annual Survivor Series pay per view which will be centered around “Monday Night Raw” vs. “Smackdown Live” in a series of elimination matches. Those matches are the backbone of the show’s history, which sounds like a good time for a flashback.
WWE has released a Top Ten video of the best sole survivors in Survivor Series history. These are people who were the only members of their teams to not be eliminated and won as the only remaining member. These range from the first edition of the show to only a few years back with a rather big match. Here’s the video:
Best Survivor Series sole survivors - WWE Top 10, Nov. 18, 2017
Opinion: I kind of love WWE’s inability to remember their own history. With everything else they have around, they manage to forget that time the Rock defeated Steve Austin to become the sole survivor and save the company from the Alliance? Really? I was expecting that to top the list and it doesn’t even make the top ten.
What would you have had at #1? Who is your Mr. Survivor Series? Let us know in the comments below.