WWE has posted a new video called Fantasy Warfare, looking at a Rey Mysterio vs. AJ Styles match. Instead of what you might be expecting from something like this, the video mashes up old promos from the two, making it look like a hype video for an actual match. While there is currently no match planned between the two, Mysterio did return in the 2018 men’s Royal Rumble match so it’s not completely impossible. Here’s the video:

AJ Styles vs. Rey Mysterio: Fantasy Warfare
Opinion: I really like this concept for a series of videos. You can showcase a potential match (or even one that isn’t going to happen) and just have some fun with it. That’s another reason why WWE owning so much footage and knowing how to use it is a major advantage that no other promotion has. Maybe Mysterio vs. Styles will happen one day, but just thinking about it is rather fun.
Would you like to see this match? Who do you think would win? Let us know in the comments below.