Date: September 25, 2014
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Renee Young, Jason Albert, Rich Brennan

The seeds are being planted for the big showdown of Neville vs. Zayn but they seem to be doing a very slow build. Tonight we have a Takeover rematch as the Lucha Dragons defend against the Ascension.  Other than that we might get some more of the main event scene but NXT rarely focuses on two major stories in one show. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Mojo Rawley vs. Bull Dempsey

The brawl starts in the aisle before Mojo hammers him into the ring for the opening bell. Dempsey runs him over and a top rope headbutt ends Mojo in 46 seconds.

Result: Bull Dempsey b. Mojo Rawley – Top rope headbutt (0:46)

Tyler Breeze comes to the ring as Mojo is leaving so Breeze beats him up too.

Video on Baron Corbin, talking about being a different breed while getting on a motorcycle. Cool stuff.

Tyler Breeze vs. Justin Gabriel

Justin gets stomped down in the corner to start but goes after Tyler’s knee. He slams Breeze face first into the mat for two but stops for a dance. A kick to the chest gets two but he has to bail out of the 450. Instead a STO and springboard splash get two for Justin but he misses the 450, allowing Breeze to finish him with the Beauty Shot at 3:58.

Result: Tyler Breeze b. Justin Gabriel – Beauty Shot

Natalya asks Regal for one more shot for Kidd. Regal grants it but this is his LAST shot. I believe this was already advertised.

Alexa Bliss vs. Bayley

Bayley takes her into the corner to start but gets caught in a sunset flip for two. Bliss flips her down and Bayley is so impressed that she high fives Alexa. Bayley cranks on an armbar but Bliss tries to roll out, only to have Bayley roll with her in a nice counter. Back up and Bliss misses a standing moonsault before walking into the Belly to Bayley for the pin at 3:21.

Result: Bayley b. Alexa Bliss – Belly to Bayley (3:21)

Post match Bayley calls out Charlotte and says she hasn’t been able to sleep since Takeover. Her mom was there to watch her lose. Bayley asks for one more match and the fans are WAY into the idea. Charlotte says Bayley earned her respect, but the second verse would be the same as the first. The rematch is on for next week.

Enzo, Cass and Carmella come to the Performance Center. Apparently she lied about being Enzo’s sister to get in the building which is ok with Enzo. She wants to get in the ring but Enzo says she has to get in shape first and start acting like a Diva. Carmella steps off camera while Enzo gets on the treadmill and clarifies that he and Carmella aren’t a couple. She comes back on camera in a sports bra and shorts, showing off quite the physique. Cass: “HOW YOU DOIN?” Enzo falls off the treadmill and might have hurt himself.

Marcus Louis vs. Enzo Amore

Louis is doing the Kurt Angle wig with wrestling headgear to hide being bald. Enzo talks about Louis eating pie and having a side effect. They list off possible types of pies and call Louis SAWFT. Louis hammers away to start and knocks Enzo to the apron, but Amore rips off the wig. Marcus is terrified and gets rolled up at 2:37.

Result: Enzo Amore b. Marcus Louis – Rollup (2:37)

Kidd says he’ll get his own title shot and says he has all the power in the title match.

Tag Team Titles: Lucha Dragons vs. Ascension

Ascension is challenging. Konnor runs over Cara to start but Kalisto springboards in to take Konnor down. Off to Viktor who hammers Kalisto in the corner but gives up a tag to Cara. Sin headscissors Viktor down and powerbombs Kalisto into a moonsault for two. Back to Konnor for a hard headlock on Kalisto before throwing him around for two more. Viktor comes in and cranks on a chinlock as we take a break.

Back with Konnor launching Kalisto across the ring before putting on a chinlock. An over the shoulder backbreaker/middle rope elbow combo gets two on Kalisto and it’s back to the reverse chinlock. Konnor runs him over for two and puts on a bodyscissors to keep Kalisto in trouble. Back to Viktor for a hard uppercut but Kalisto slips over the back to escape a slam and there’s the hot tag to Cara. Ascension actually cleans house but here’s Hideo Itami for a distraction. Kalisto pops back up for the Salida Del Sol and the pin on Viktor at 10:23.

Result: Lucha Dragons b. Ascension – Salida Del Sol to Viktor

Ascension chases Itami to end the show.

Bull Dempsey b. Mojo Rawley – Top rope headbutt
Tyler Breeze b. Justin Gabriel – Beauty Shot
Bayley b. Alexa Bliss – Belly to Bayley
Enzo Amore b. Marcus Louis – Rollup
Lucha Dragons b. Ascension – Salida Del Sol to Viktor

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews, check out my website at kbwrestlingreviews.com and pick up my new book of 1997 WCW Monday Nitro Reviews at Amazon for just $3.99 at:

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  • Impact Wrestling Results – September 24, 2014

  • Monday Night Raw Results – September 22, 2014

  • Night of Champions 2014 Results

  • TNA One Night Only – World Cup of Wrestling II Results

  • Smackdown Results – September 19, 2014

  • NXT Results – September 18, 2014

  • Impact Wrestling Results – September 17, 2014

  • Monday Night Raw Results – September 15, 2014

  • Smackdown Results – September 12, 2014

  • NXT Takeover: Fatal Four-Way Results
