Main Event
Date: September 27, 2018
Location: Pepsi Center, Denver, Colorado
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Nigel McGuinness, Percy Watson
We’re coming up on Super Show-Down and that means we need to build up a lot of stuff before then. Part of that came this week with Raw and Smackdown, both of which were interesting shows as we got closer to Australia. Some of that was better than others and I’m sure we’ll see some of both tonight. Let’s get to it.
Opening sequence.
No Way Jose/Zack Ryder vs. Mojo Rawley/Mike Kanellis
Ryder shoulders Kanellis down to start so it’s off to Rawley to kick him in the face. That just earns Mojo a middle rope dropkick to the floor, only to have Mojo run him over back inside. The double teaming begins in the corner with Kanellis kicking him in the face to set up a chinlock. Ryder suplexes Rawley down and there’s the hot tag to Jose. Everything breaks down as Jose cleans house, including the pop up right hand to finish Kanellis at 5:04.
Result: No Way Jose/Zack Ryder b. Mojo Rawley/Mike Kanellis – Pop up right hand to Kanellis (5:04)
From Raw.
Tag Team Titles: Dolph Ziggler/Drew McIntyre vs. Revival
Revival is challenging and get a jobber entrance. Ziggler shoves Dawson into the corner to start so Dawson takes over off a wristlock. Wilder comes in but gets to deal with McIntyre, who takes him back into the corner. It’s already back to Ziggler as the fast start continues. Ziggler gets caught in the corner and Wilder adds a slingshot clothesline for two. The running DDT is countered into the Rings of Saturn but Ziggler rolls over into a cradle.
Back up and a crossbody puts both guys on the floor in a big crash. Ziggler avoids a charge to send Wilder into the steps and it’s McIntyre getting two off a suplex as we take a break. We come back with Dawson getting the hot tag and hitting a leg lariat of all things to drop Ziggler. A tiger driver gets two and a PowerPlex is good for the same with McIntyre making the save.
The Fameasser is countered into an electric chair for a Doomsday Device as the fans are way into this. Ziggler slips out of something and brings McIntyre back in for the power. A powerslam is broken up with a dropkick to the back and Wilder falls on top for two. It’s quickly back to Ziggler though and the Claymore into the Zig Zag retains the titles at 12:38.
Result: Dolph Ziggler/Drew McIntyre b. Revival – Claymore/Zig Zag combination to Wilder (12:38)
From Smackdown.
Here’s Paige to run the contract signing. AJ comes out and says he’s just here to sign. There’s no Joe, which AJ says isn’t a surprise. Joe pops up on screen and he’s at AJ’s house. That must put a nauseous feeling in AJ’s stomach because there’s nothing he can do, even though Joe promised him to do all this stuff. Joe even has a doll for Annie and AJ is clearly panicking. That’s what Joe wants, and Joe wants that feeling from AJ in Australia. Joe rings the doorbell and says daddy’s home to end the show.
Super Show-Down rundown.
Video on Undertaker vs. HHH.
Apollo Crews vs. Tyler Breeze
Crews headlocks him to start before hitting a dropkick for an easily broken two. Breeze is right back with a headlock takeover of his own, followed by a dropkick to the back as they’re mirroring each other to start. We take a break and come back with Crews fighting out of a half crab with a grab of the rope.
A Backstabber gives Breeze two but Crews enziguris him off the top. Crews’ standing moonsault hits knees but the standing shooting star press gets two. Some right hands have Crews in trouble until he powerbombs Breeze down. The frog splash gives Crews the pin at 10:28.
Result: Apollo Crews b. Tyler Breeze – Frog splash (10:28)
We see some clips from Raw of the mind games between the two trios.
From Raw.
Shield vs. Baron Corbin/???/???
The partners are AOP. Braun, Dolph and Drew come out to watch, all with their own chairs. Ambrose and Corbin start things off with Dean actually taking it to the mat so Rollins can come in for a double suplex. Corbin hands it off to Akam so the Authors can run everyone over. Reigns gets to face Rezar, who talks a lot of trash and then gets hit in the face.
A few more shots put Rezar down but he pops back up to Reigns’ shock. The Shield clears the ring so here come Strowman and company with the chairs for a distraction. The Authors beat them down and Corbin gets two off a chokeslam as we take a break. Back with Reigns dropping Corbin in a Samoan style so Rollins can come back in to speed things up. The Blockbuster gets two on Akam but Drake Maverick offers a distraction so Corbin can low bridge Rollins to the floor.
We hit the neck crank from Rezar and an elbow runs him over for good measure. Corbin comes in and runs Reigns off the apron in a smart move but the delay lets Rollins hit a Sling Blade. Everything breaks down and Reigns takes a Last Chapter on the floor. Deep Six gets two on Rollins but he’s able to get out of the side slam/double stomp combination.
The hot tag brings in Ambrose to clean house until Akam crotches him on top. Ambrose is fine enough for a jumping neckbreaker on Corbin but Reigns has to break up the Last Chapter. The Stomp hits Corbin and Rollins hits a suicide dive, leaving Dean to hit Dirty Deeds on Corbin. Ambrose dives onto Akam, leaving Reigns to spear Corbin for the pin at 19:14.
Result: Shield b. Baron Corbin/AOP – Spear to Corbin (19:14)

The Shield vs. Baron Corbin & AOP: Raw, Sept. 24, 2018
Post match Ambrose looks at Strowman and company before heading back inside for the fist pose to end the show.
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his Amazon author page with 28 wrestling books. His latest book is the the Complete 2003 Smackdown Reviews.
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