Main Event
Date: May 17, 2018
Location: 02 Arena, London, England
Commentators: Percy Watson, Nigel McGuinness, Vic Joseph

So you remember last week when I was wondering how you could put together a show featuring almost nothing but Money in the Bank qualifying matches? Well that’s pretty much the same thing this week, but this time around we also have Roman Reigns vs. Jinder Mahal as Reigns tries to prove that WWE is against him. It’s a fictional show remember. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Titus Worldwide vs. Authors of Pain

Akam drives Apollo into the corner to start but Crews flips forward to get away. A dropkick works a bit better but Rezar tags himself in to run Crews over from behind. Some hard knees to the ribs keep Crews in trouble and the fans want Titus.

The side slam/middle rope stomp combination gets two and it’s off to a chinlock. That’s switched to a side choke to keep things fresh until Apollo gets in an enziguri to put Rezar on one knee. The hot tag brings in Titus to a huge reaction and he knocks Rezar into the corner with a hard shoulder. A big boot to the chest gets two but Akam is right back in for the Last Chapter and the pin on Titus at 4:36.

Result: Authors of Pain b. Titus Worldwide – Last Chapter to O’Neil (4:36)

From Raw.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: Baron Corbin vs. No Way Jose vs. Bobby Roode

Corbin wastes no time in sending Jose outside but Roode punches away to take over. There’s a Blockbuster for two and we take an early break. Back with Corbin knocking Jose off the apron but going after him this time to continue the beating. Roode decks Corbin and Jose is finally able to get in some offense, including a middle rope crossbody for two. The spinebuster gets two on Jose and Roode goes up for a clothesline to take him down again.

The GLORIOUS pose looks to set up the DDT but Corbin offers a distraction, allowing Jose to clothesline Roode to the floor. Corbin keeps up the clothesline train with a running version off the apron. The chokebreaker drops Jose for two and Deep Six gets the same on Roode. Jose makes a save and Corbin is sent into the post but the Glorious DDT puts Jose away at 10:43.

Result: Bobby Roode b. No Way Jose and Baron Corbin – Glorious DDT to Jose (10:43)

We see Roman Reigns spearing Jinder Mahal through a wall to take him out of the qualifying match.

From Raw again, here is said qualifying match with Jinder’s replacement.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: Elias vs. Bobby Lashley vs. ???

It’s Owens of course and he helps pound Lashley down it the corner. Lashley gets tossed and we take an early break. Back with Owens sending Lashley into the steps and dropping a backsplash on Elias for two. Lashley is back up as the fans chant for Bobby’s sisters. Elias sends Lashley outside and let’s stop for a song! He even has someone holding his mic while he plays the guitar but has to stop to knee Owens in the face.

Back in and Owens breaks up the vertical suplex on Elias so Lashley suplexes both of them at once. The fans still want to Walk With Elias and a sitout powerbomb to Owens has them rather pleased. Lashley makes a save and plants Elias but here’s Sami to pull him to the floor. Back inside, the frog splash ends Elias to send Owens on at 13:12.

Result: Kevin Owens b. Elias and Bobby Lashley – Frog splash to Owens (13:12)

Bobby Lashley vs. Kevin Owens vs. Elias - Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: Raw, May 14, 2018

And now, to Smackdown.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: New Day vs. The Bar

Miz is on commentary and the winning team gets to pick one member to enter the ladder match. Woods goes nuts to start and scores with a dive on Sheamus, followed by a Disaster Kick on Cesaro. Some double teaming takes him down though and it’s off to a break. Back with Woods in trouble as Sheamus knees him in the face to give Cesaro two. Woods sends Cesaro to the apron though and the hot tag brings in Big E. for some suplexes. Well some dancing too but at least it’s followed by the Warrior Splash…to Sheamus’ knees.

A double DDT gets two on Big E. and Cesaro grabs a Sharpshooter. Woods comes in for the save and gets in his own DDT for two. A wheelbarrow faceplant slams Cesaro into the mat so Sheamus comes in for a save this time around. Big E. spears Sheamus through the ropes, leaving Woods to drop the elbow for the pin on Cesaro at 9:25.

Result: New Day b. The Bar – Top rope elbow to Cesaro (9:25)

The New Day vs. The Bar - Men's Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: SmackDown LIVE, May 15, 2018

Back to Raw.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: Alexa Bliss vs. Mickie James vs. Bayley

Bayley gets knocked outside and we take a break less than thirty seconds in. Back with Bayley still getting double teamed and having her comeback cut off. As is customary, Mickie turns on Bliss with a rollup for two but they still get together to kick Bayley down. A double high crossbody gives Bayley an opening and a double Stunner over the ropes makes thins even worse.

Mickie gets dropped face first on the top rope but she’s still able to break up Bliss’ sunset flip. They all slug it out from their knees with Bayley getting the better of it, including ducking a shot so Bliss hits James. The Bayley to Belly gets two on Bliss with Mickie making the save. Mickie and Bayley fight on the floor but the distraction lets Bliss DDT Bayley for the pin at 9:09.

Result: Alexa Bliss b. Bayley and Mickie James – DDT to Bayley (9:09)

Bayley vs. Alexa Bliss vs. Mickie James - Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: Raw, May 14, 2018

And back to Smackdown again.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: Becky Lynch vs. Mandy Rose vs. Sonya Deville

Mandy lets the other two fight and then jumps Becky from behind. A rollup gets two on Sonya and the argument takes us to a break. Back with Sonya hammering on Becky but a Bexploder gets her out of trouble. Mandy tries to steal the pin and gets thrown down by Sonya, who sends her to the floor.

Becky gets the better of a slugout and goes up, leaving Mandy to put Sonya in an electric chair. A missile dropkick to Mandy brings them both down but Sonya breaks up the Disarm-Her. Sonya gets kicked down again though and the Disarm-Her makes Mandy tap at 8:00 to send Becky to Money in the Bank.

Result: Becky Lynch b. Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville – Disarm-Her to Rose (8:00)

Lynch vs. Rose vs. Deville - Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: SmackDown LIVE, May 15, 2018

We look at Nia Jax challenging Ronda Rousey for Money in the Bank.

Chad Gable vs. Mojo Rawley

Gable takes him down without much effort and cranks on the ankle. Mojo can’t get away so we hit an armbar instead. The armbar sequel sets up a northern lights suplex for two and it’s right back to the armbar. Mojo finally takes him to the floor for a ram into the barricade and we take a break. Back with Gable being pulled into a backbreaker for two.

As you might expect, it’s off to the chinlock to keep Gable down. That’s broken up pretty quickly and Gable grabs an armbar over the ropes. Mojo misses a charge into the corner and a good looking flying forearm drops him. Mojo’s spinebuster is countered into an Oklahoma roll for two, followed by a German suplex for the same. Gable gets sent face first into the buckle though and the running right hand gives Mojo the pin at 11:38.

Result: Mojo Rawley b. Chad Gable – Running right hand (11:38)

And from Smackdown one more time to wrap it up.

AJ Styles vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Non-title with the winner getting to pick next week’s stipulation. The battle over a wristlock doesn’t go anywhere so AJ dropkicks him down to pick up the pace a bit. A slingshot forearm to the floor has Nakamura in more trouble but he posts AJ for a breather. Back from a break with Nakamura kicking AJ against the ropes and choking in the corner. Good Vibrations sets up a running kick to AJ’s face and we hit a dragon sleeper.

AJ fights out and puts Nakamura on top for a Pele. The running seated forearm drops Nakamura again and AJ nips up as the pace quickens. The belly to back faceplant gets two but a spinning kick to the face rocks Styles. Nakamura gets two off the Landslide (Samoan driver) but misses the running knee in the corner.

He’s fine enough to break up a springboard though and a kick to the ribs sends AJ to the apron. Kinshasa misses but AJ can’t get the Calf Crusher. The sliding knee gets two but Kinshasa is blocked with a spinwheel kick. The Phenomenal Forearm nearly hits the referee and Nakamura claims a low blow. That’s enough of a distraction to set up Kinshasa for the pin on Styles at 17:30.

Result: Shinsuke Nakamura b. AJ Styles – Kinshasa (17:30)

AJ Styles vs. Shinsuke Nakamura - Winner Picks Title Match Stipulation: SmackDown LIVE, May 15, 2018

Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his Amazon author page with 26 wrestling books. His latest book is the WWE Grab Bag.

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