Main Event
Date: April 20, 2017
Location: Schottenstein Center, Columbus, Ohio
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Corey Graves
We’re back to the recap show with wrestling attached and odds are that means more Titus O’Neil. Now that one of the main players on this show is now #1 contender to the Smackdown World Title, maybe now O’Neil is ready to take his place. You can almost guess what’s going to be on this show so let’s get to it.
Opening sequence.
Curtis Axel vs. Titus O’Neil
Result: Titus O’Neil b. Curtis Axel – Clash of the Titus (4:23)
From Raw.
Here are Miz and Maryse for MizTV. Miz starts talking about the Superstar Shakeup but gets cut off by Dean Ambrose, the scheduled guest, before he can get very far. Ambrose sucks up to the Ohio crowd before ripping on Miz’s gear. Miz doesn’t want to hear it because he’s done everything he can to make the people in that locker room look like superstars while Ambrose makes them look like regular wrestlers.
It doesn’t matter though because people love Ambrose, who was #1 pick in the Draft and was WWE Champion at Summerslam. Then Dean wasted all that momentum when he was on the Kickoff Show six months later. Ambrose doesn’t care what he looks like because he loves coming out here in front of twenty people or a hundred thousand.
That’s why he’s the Intercontinental Champion, which he beat Miz for in the first place. Maryse says the title doesn’t make the man so Dean asks her to hold the mic. As Miz goes on another rant, Dean empties his pockets and takes his jacket off before hammering Miz down. Dirty Deeds doesn’t work though and Miz and Maryse run.

The Miz incites Dean Ambrose on the "Miz TV" set: Raw, April 17, 2017
Again with the Raw.
Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax vs. Alexa Bliss vs. Mickie James
Winner gets Bayley at Payback. Nia cleans house to start but Bliss bails to the floor, allowing Mickie and Sasha to dropkick Nia outside. Sasha gets the better of it and sends Mickie outside for a dive onto all three as we take a break. Back with Alexa in control until she charges into a slam from Nia.
Jax slams all three on top of each other before swinging Mickie around in a cobra clutch. It’s off to a bearhug on Banks with Nia easily suplexing her way out of Sasha’s guillotine counter. Mickie armbars her way out of a choke but Nia throws her at Sasha in the corner. Alexa goes up top to try a dropkick but thinks twice when Nia stares her down. A missed charge sends Nia into the post, allowing everyone else to hammer on each other.
The double knees in the corner get two on Bliss with Nia making the save. Mickie gets pulled outside as well and it’s down to Sasha vs. Alexa. James has to break up a Bank Statement but here’s Nia to knock Mickie off the top. The Samoan drop plants Banks but Bliss runs in for the 13:44.
Result: Alexa Bliss b. Nia Jax, Mickie James and Sasha Banks – Samoan Drop to Banks (13:44)

Sasha Banks vs. Mickie James vs. Alexa Bliss vs. Nia Jax - Fatal 4-Way Match: Raw, April 17, 2017
Gran Metalik/Lince Dorado vs. Tony Nese/Ariya Daivari
Dorado climbs over Ariya to start and grabs a sunset flip for two before it’s off to both partners. Metalik does his rope walking into a top rope elbow for two of his own, only to get taken down and sent into the barricade. Back from a break with Metalik in trouble off a neck crank.
Metalik fights up and grabs a tornado DDT to set up the hot tag. Daivari cuts Dorado off with a spinebuster but eats a handspring Stunner. The masked ones get creative with stereo moonsaults to the floor, dropping Nese and Daivari in a big crash. Back in and Dorado is shoved off the top, setting up the hammerlock clothesline to give Daivari the pin at 10:11.
Result: Tony Nese/Ariya Daivari b. Gran Metalik/Lince Dorado – Hammerlock clothesline to Dorado (10:11)
We look back at Braun Strowman’s destruction of Roman Reigns, including the ambulance spot.
We wrap it up with the end of Strowman vs. Big Show with the ring imploding.

Braun Strowman breaks internet, ring and referee John Cone
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