Mae Young Classic
Date: September 12, 2018
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Beth Phoenix, Renee Young
This isn’t really a show that needs much of an introduction. There are four matches on each episode and you might have heard of some of the women before. We’re still a good way off from the finals or even the later rounds but that doesn’t mean what we’re getting isn’t any good. I had a fine time with the first week so hopefully this lives up to that standard. Let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
We open with a recap of last week’s show.
Preview of tonight’s matches.
Opening sequence.
The announcers take some time to explain a little bit about Mae Young.
All matches are first round matches.
Priscilla Kelly likes to play mind games and then strike.
Deonna Purrazzo was an alternate last year and is ready to prove herself for real this time. She’s a new NXT regular.
Samoa Joe is here.
Priscilla Kelly vs. Deonna Purrazzo
Kelly was also on three episodes of “My Big Fat Roman Gypsy Wedding.” I have no idea what to do with this information so we’ll move on to Kelly snapmaring her down but getting caught in a wristlock. Purrazzo bounces out of a headscissors on the mat and it’s already a standoff.
A rollup gives Purrazzo two and Kelly is getting annoyed at the speed. It’s too early for the Fujiwara armbar so Kelly chops away in the corner. A running knee gives Kelly two and it’s off to a dragon sleeper. Purrazzo gets a boot up in the corner and chops away, followed by a backflip into a basement dropkick. Kelly is rocked and the Fujiwara armbar (with Purrazzo bouncing up and down on the mat to crank on it more) makes her tap at 4:27.
Result: Deonna Purrazzo b. Priscilla Kelly – Fujiwara armbar (4:27)

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Priscilla Kelly - First-Round Match: Mae Young Classic, Sept. 12, 2018
Purrazzo is in tears over the win.Aerial Monroe is proud of her muscles and she’s different from everyone else.
Zeuxis is a luchador and that’s about it.
Natalya is here. She’s standing in front of Izzy but that isn’t even acknowledged.
Zeuxis vs. Aerial Monroe
Monroe dances to the ring and her husband and daughter are here. That’s a little more noteworthy when you consider that her husband is Cruiserweight Champion Cedric Alexander. Aerial isn’t happy with Zeuxis going after her hair, threatening to pop her in the mouth. A few clotheslines miss and Monroe knees her in the face(ish) for two. Zeuxis goes for the hair again so Aerial chops her down. Fans: “YOU GOT CHOPPED!”
Cole reads off more of his factoids as the match itself is ignored because we need to get these personalities over. An abdominal stretch has Aerial in trouble as Beth tries to actually talk about the match. A fish hook camel clutch, with more hair touching, keeps Aerial in trouble. Aerial is right back with a delayed kick to the face and a running Downward Spiral. Zeuxis doesn’t seem to mind and catches Aerial on top with a super Spanish Fly for the pin at 4:03.
Result: Zeuxis b. Aerial Monroe – Super Spanish Fly (4:03)

Aerial Monroe vs. Zeuxis - First-Round Match: Mae Young Classic, Sept. 12, 2018
Aerial’s daughter is crying over the loss.Reina Gonzalez is a rather big (as in tall) woman who lost in last year’s tournament. She won’t be as nice this year.
Kacy Catanzaro is a tiny little thing who was a success on American Ninja Warrior
Sarah Logan and Liv Morgan are here.
Kacy Catanzaro vs. Reina Gonzalez
Kacy is very bubbly and climbs the post to get in the ring. She is 5’ and 100lbs, putting her only at Reina’s shoulder. For some reason Kacy decides to charge right at her and gets swung around by the neck. Kacy scores with a headscissors and tries another, only to be reversed into a hard backbreaker. Apparently Reina has been VERY annoyed at all of the attention on Kacy. A hard forearm to the back drops Kacy again but an elbow misses. Some dropkicks to the knee have Reina reeling and a middle rope springboard dropkick gets two. A quick victory roll gives Kacy the pin at 4:47.
Result: Kacy Catanzaro b. Reina Gonzalez – Victory roll (4:47)

Kacy Catanzaro vs. Reina González - First-Round Match: Mae Young Classic, Sept. 12, 2018
Post match Reina puts Kacy on her shoulder.Mercedes Martinez made the semifinals last year and isn’t here to lose.
Ashley Rayne (Madison Rayne) is high energy but things can get under her skin. There are some clips from TNA but just the photographer is credited.
The Undisputed Era is here.
Ashley Rayne vs. Mercedes Martinez
Mercedes cranks on the arm to start and puts on an early chinlock. Back up and something almost like a One Winged Angel (just lifting her up instead of on the shoulder) rocks Rayne for two and it’s off to a double underhook stretch. The announcers talk about Martinez’s tattoos until Rayne makes it to the corner but can’t hit a tornado DDT.
A very delayed vertical suplex puts Rayne down for two but she’s fine enough to reverse the second into an RKO (called a neckbreaker). Martinez gets two more off a spinebuster so Rayne comes back with some forearms and a neckbreaker. An actual neckbreaker that is and not a cutter. Cross Rhodes gets two and Martinez’ fisherman’s buster is reversed into a small package for the same. Martinez is done with this though and knees her in the face, setting up the fisherman’s buster for the pin at 7:34.
Result: Mercedes Martinez b. Ashley Rayne – Fisherman’s buster (7:34)

Mercedes Martinez vs. Ashley Rayne - First-Round Match: Mae Young Classic, Sept. 12, 2018
Thomas Hall has been a wrestling fan for over thirty years and has seen over 50,000 wrestling matches. He has also been a wrestling reviewer since 2009 with over 5,000 full shows covered. You can find his work at, or check out his Amazon author page with 28 wrestling books. His latest book is the the Complete 2003 Smackdown Reviews.Get the latest and greatest in professional wrestling news by signing up for our daily email newsletter. Just look below for “GET EXCLUSIVE UPDATES” to sign up. We are proud to offer our popular Wrestling Rumors app and encourage you to download it for an optimized user experience. It is available for Android and also on iOS. Thank you for reading!