It’s still true. Kurt Angle returned to WWE over “Wrestlemania XXXIII” weekend with an induction into the WWE Hall of Fame and then an announcement that he would be the new General Manager of “Monday Night Raw”. As you might have expected, this caused interest in Angle to spike, leading to a series of interviews on a variety of topics.
On his dream matches in WWE:
“Daniel Bryan. I love his wrestling ability. I think that he is one of the best I’ve seen in a long time. I obviously wrestled AJ Styles, but never on the WWE platform, love to have a main event against AJ Styles at WrestleMania.”
On the You Suck chants:
“I spent five of my six and a half years as a heel…I told the fans ‘It’s getting to me, stop doin’ it’ and the more I said that, the more they did it. So, when I was babyface, they still did it and they love doin’ it. It’s one of those things that, Vince [McMahon] tried to change it, I tried to chant it, it’s just not going to happen. It’s one of those things now that the fans do it out of respect and it sounds cool with my song.”
Here’s the whole interview.

Kurt Angle NBC Elmira Interview
Opinion: Angle is one of those guys who I could listen to for hours on end, no matter how long he’s been around and how ridiculous he gets at times. As bad as things might have been for him at times out of the ring, he was one of the best performers to ever step between the ropes and just thinking about him wrestling some of the current WWE talent is very appealing.
Who is your dream opponent for Angle? Do you like the You Suck chants? Let us know in the comments below.