In his blog, Ross talks about, among other topics, the main matches on the show, some of them in more depth than others. Most of the focus is on the main event and the upcoming Brock Lesnar vs. Samoa Match for Lesnar’s Universal Title at next month’s show. Here are some highlights:
On the “Extreme Rules 2017” Main Event
I enjoyed Extreme Rules and felt that the main event was strong and provided a great close to the show whose overall feel was going to be strongly influenced by the performance level of the Fatal 5 Way. All five men worked diligently and without personal agendas or so it seemed and delivered in a manner that main eventers are supposed to deliver. Very proud of the men in this match.
On Alexa Bliss
I compared Alexa Bliss personality and ‘feel’ to that of the late, great Buddy Rogers who was a undersized blonde who had miles of charisma and who people put their eyes on the minute that the original ‘Nature Boy’ walked through the curtain. Alexa has that same “I can’t take my eyes off of her” persona or so it seems. She and Bayley had a tough assignment with Kendo stick stipulation but they persevered.
And on Miz Regaining the Intercontinental Title
No issues with the vastly improved @MikeTheMiz and his wife Maryse ascent back to the IC Title level with a win over Dean Ambrose that had some interesting ‘wrinkles’ throughout all built around that a DQ counts the same as a pin or submission stipulation.
You can read the full blog here.
Opinion: I can’t say I disagree with a lot of Ross’ thoughts as “Extreme Rules 2017” was a surprisingly good show. I’m not so sure on the Bliss vs. Bayley match but I’m not exactly one to question someone with Ross’ experience. If nothing else it’s nice to see someone with such a positive take on the product when general thoughts tend to be much more negative.

Alexa Bliss thrashes Bayley with a Kendo stick: WWE Extreme Rules 2017 (WWE Network Exclusive)
What was your favorite match at the pay per view? When do you see Ross commentating again? Let us know in the comments below.