I’ll keep this short. Sometimes in wrestling you need a few slightly less serious characters to help balance out the more serious ones. One such example is Hornswoggle, who was often used in comedy spots instead of doing anything serious, which was really all you could ask him to do. Hornswoggle was involved in some noteworthy stories during his time in WWE and he’s talked about some of them in a new interview.
On hiding underneath the ring for so long:
“When it comes to being under the ring, I’d either go under before the doors opened or would get snuck under in the dark while a video package played on the screen. There were times when I was underneath for six-plus hours because it wouldn’t work out to sneak me under later in the show. I’d get dressed under there, have plenty of waters, and would normally bring my phone or PSP. Thankfully, I never had a bathroom emergency under the ring.”
On what storyline he’d like to do over:
“I would love to do the whole “Anonymous General Manager” storyline again. The way it was supposed to turn out was that I was supposed to be this almost mob-boss style character with this Napoleon complex, throwing his power around while running Raw. Obviously things didn’t work out that way.”
On his favorite WWE road story:
“There are so many road stories that come to mind, it’s almost impossible to come up with one favorite. In a general way, I think traveling with Kofi Kingston and Curt Hawkins would have to be some of the best times I had. Those two are my two best friends that I’ll ever have in wrestling. As far as road stories go, well, you’ll have to just wait a little longer until my autobiography comes out in the very near future.”
Opinion: The more I hear from Hornswoggle, the more I like him. Soon after he was released from WWE, he appeared on the “Steve Austin Show” where Austin asked if he was upset by his release. Hornswoggle said something to the tune of “of course, but I have a five year old to take care of and that’s all that matters.” You don’t hear that kind of maturity from people (and especially wrestlers) that often so it was a really nice change of pace.
You can read the full interview here.

Hornswoggle's Most Memorable Moments - WWE Top 10
What is your favorite Hornswoggle moment? Do you like him better as a character or a wrestler? Let us know in the comments below.